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Opinions on powder throwers??

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:14 pm
by Model70
I have just aquired a RCBS Uniflow powder measure, just figured out how to use it etc and while giving reasonably consistent loads Im trying to figure out the advantage when Im returning each charge to the scales for a trickle up.
Wouldnt worry me so much if I was loading bulk mild-ish loads for roo shooting but running a hot -250 im a bit suss on it.
Technique perhaps?????
So who uses one and which ones are better than others etc. ? Opinions appreciated!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:34 pm
by Brad Y
I dont bother with them. Ive only got a cheap lee piece of junk, but I want dont want to be heckled amonst my shooting mates. Since the 250 outshoots me, i have always tried to feed it the most consistent loads I could. Last night was good and it was a mild load, but Ive changed to an almost max load and am still going up to a suggested hot load. I wont be taking anychances.

If it takes me 40 minutes to load up 20 shots by returning each charge to the scales then so be it. I just loaded some this morning to sight the gun in with and i reckon each load is between 34.95 and 35.05gr. Maybe I should take up BR shooting

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:48 pm
by Ned Kelly
G'Day M70,
The main thing is how consistently you can throw powder, if it is within +/- 0.2gns it will probably work well. So what I'd suggest is doing some load developement to find a moderate load that is accurate in your rifle, then adjust your thrower to throw some powder as close to the accurate moderate load as you can and then load up 10 and try them at 200yds shooting a 10 shot group.

Then shoot 10 of your normal weighed rounds at 200 and compare the accuracy difference. You could ignore the 3 widest shots in each group and you'll have a very good measure of the performance of each loading.

If you cannot determine a difference load up another 10 of each and repeat the test. After 2 x 10 shot groups of each, I reckon you should see something.

If there is any difference in the ammo's grouping ability you should see it at 200 rather than 100yds. Just remember to hold exactly the same point and try to shoot in exactly the same wind condition.

hope this helps

cheerio Ned

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:56 pm
by HiWall
If you are running hot loads forget the measure mate, only use it to throw charges just under and then trickle them up on your scales. I just don't trust the bastards. As you are aware they measure volume, not weight and so much depends on consistent technique to throw reasonable accurate loads it is just not worth the worry.

Have had at least four different types of thrower and the only one I was totally happy with was the Lyman Classic 55, a specialist black powder thrower. Black powder charges are measured by volume rather than weight, although there is a big crossover, depending on the reloaders personal preference. It is also very unlikely that you would ever load enough black into a case to blow up a gun anyway - most cases have heavily compressed powder charges just to get enough into the case for decent performance.

Some of the coarser grained smokeless powders don't work well in any thrower.

I haven't used by thrower or balance beam scales since I got my Lyman DPSII dipenser - it is so much faster and I find it difficult to weigh each charge manually with the same accuracy the dispenser repeats time and again. They cost a few bucks, but I reckon anyone starting reloading should just not buy balance beam scales and thrower, just go straight to the dispenser - not a lot more expensive than the standard stuff really, so most of the extra cost is defrayed by not buying the other gear.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:47 am
by Model70
Thanks for the info fellas, I got it for a bargain, near brand new (they had a swap meet at the range yesterday, much to my delight!) and it seems to work well. Forst thing I read in the destructions was basically good for ball and flake powders can be erratic with stick type powders, I happen to use 2208, 09 & 13sc :roll:
Ive been eyeing off those dispensers, both the Lyman and RCBS ones but untill I can spend the cash I might try the RCBS stand for the thrower that comes with a trickler kit and drop tube that goes straight into the scale pan. Oh the joys!!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:05 am
by glenn asher
An awful lot of it, is technique, as you surmised. I can measure most stick powders within .1 gr. when I'm "ON" with my technique (I use a Uniflow, also). As long as they aren't too long of a stick, I do quite well. I usually don't load to maximum anyway, a half grain short will do nicely enough.

FWIW, IMR and the Reloader series of powders give me the most fits, I have zero problems with any spherical or shortstick Hodgdon powders. The flake powders like Unique are a pain, but easier than the longer stick stuff.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:10 pm
by trevort
I have your thrower and am in the same boat as Hiwall. I had a Lee one before and I used to just thro a short charge and trickle up, so the lee is as good as any for me.

Now I have a chargemaster combo. I've made some loads but my 6/250 bolt is in Narranderra as is my 17m4 stock and my time is being pressed. Problems problems!

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:02 pm
by Brad Y
trevort wrote:I have your thrower and am in the same boat as Hiwall. I had a Lee one before and I used to just thro a short charge and trickle up, so the lee is as good as any for me.
Good to see im not the only crazy load tricker about.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:04 pm
by Model70
I went and got this today, the RCBS powder trickler combo which is just the stand and the built in powder trickler along with the drop tube that goes into the scale pan.
Took a little getting used to but once you get a routine happening man its quick!
Throws pretty consistent charges also.
The only thing I dont like is because the powder races down the tube into the pan a little of it bounces out of the pan each time causing a bit of a mess, not a huge mess or wasting powder just enough to be annoying :x Image

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:20 pm
by HiWall
Fancy little jigger mate, never seen one of those before.

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:24 pm
by trevort
yep, new one on me to

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:32 pm
by Model70
It was only $80, minus the thrower of course. It'll do me untill im lucky enough to come across one of those chargemaster combo's, which will probably be never!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 10:09 pm
by Kenny

I guess if your trickling the spilt bit is not so much of a problem ...'cept ya haven't got much room over the pan now for the trickler...or is it just the angle of the pic ?

It does look like it was designed as a kinky sex toy but..kinda like a Martian with a piss horn :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:39 am
by Model70
Kenny wrote:M70

I guess if your trickling the spilt bit is not so much of a problem ...'cept ya haven't got much room over the pan now for the trickler...or is it just the angle of the pic ?

It does look like it was designed as a kinky sex toy but..kinda like a Martian with a piss horn :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: If you look on top of the drop tube kenny it has its own trickler built in just below the bottom of the thrower.....

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:25 am
by ogre6br
M70 whats that part number for that little jigger??

Where did you get it from?
