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Reloader powders in the 6slr

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:33 pm
by trevort
Tony I read your post some time ago about the beautiful whop an 87vmax from a 6x47lap pushed by a case load of re 15 makes.

A 6 slr is in my future and most of the reloading data is 105 or 115 type pills. I just ordered a box of 87vmax and 90gb ballistic tips to try just to be different. nearly ordered some 95 ballistic silver tip too.

How do you reckon re15 would go in that larger case or is there another you would recommend with these pills. I can get access to some 16 to try and it got Sako22/250s 70gn nbt 243 load about 130fps faster than the 2208 load he was using. Can also try some 2209

Re: hey Tony again

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:46 pm
by mick_762
Re17 and the 87gn Bergers did pretty well in the .243 too mate, will be trying them again probably in the 6mm S/LR as well.

Also have 103gn Copperheads to try, so looking forward to Tony's input.

Re: Reloader powders in the 6slr

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 1:13 am
by Tony Z
I did a lot with the SLR Trev. All the knowledge i have with it is irrelevant as nothing was proven because at around that time i had stopped shooting competition.
If i was to start with it right now, it would be Re16 and Re23 with the 103 to 107 range of pills. Re19 was very fast and extremely accurate during my testing back then. Well beyond 2209, Re22 and 2213. Re15 is accurate but had no velocity.
While i may favour Re15 in the 308 and 6BR, Re16 in the H4350 burning range is about the best i see right now. Re23 is also very good but a tiny bit slower in that area between 2209 and 2213.
Re16 Trev. A recent test of the 636 LG at 200 yards with the 103 Copperheads showed less pressure, more speed and a wider accuracy window ranging from 33 to 36 grains. May be wider but that was the range i loaded. First outing last month showed a small group of 1.4" at 600 yards with the day agg at 2.7". I ran with that wind strung slot of 34.5 grains right smack in the middle of the window i saw.
If you are in that H4350 burn rate cartridge type, the SLR is right in that, Re16 has to be tried.

Re: Reloader powders in the 6slr

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:30 am
by trevort
Going with lighter hunting pills tony but I’ll give it a go!

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