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85gn pills - Range Report Below

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 4:39 pm
by mick_762
Well I sat down at the reloading bench and after much procrastinating about powders I loaded up 12 rounds with Rl 17.

Remington Brass
CCI LR primers
ACP 85gn Medium compound projectiles.

COAL 70.6mm
0.001968" off the lands - Close enough to 20 thou :lol:

3 each at:

It is under the MAX load on the Alliant reloading online book of 43.7gn for 3316fps.

These will be fired tomorrow at the range and I will take my Magneto-speed chrony with me, hoping for an accurate load out of the above, and if its only at 3200fps . .
Well I will still be happy.

Rifle is my Cooper Model 22 .243 Win (24" barrel) with a 6-24x50 Rudolph Optics, Varmint Series 'scope with T3 reticle.
(I really must get around to doing a write up on these scopes one day). ... eries.html

All going well, I have a good load - if not, well its back to the drawing board and a good day out at the range anyway.


Re: 85gn pills loaded . . . .

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 4:52 pm
by Tackleberry
good luck

Re: 85gn pills loaded . . . .

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 5:17 pm
by kickinback
I'm looking forward to trying the ACP's. Post up your results Mick.


Re: 85gn pills loaded . . . .

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 8:20 pm
by Branxhunter
mick_762 wrote: These will be fired tomorrow at the range and I will take my Magneto-speed chrony with me, hoping for an accurate load out of the above
Well I will still be happy.

Rifle is my Cooper Model 22 .243 Win (24" barrel) with a 6-24x50 Rudolph Optics, Varmint Series 'scope with T3 reticle.

All going well, I have a good load - if not, well its back to the drawing board and a good day out at the range anyway.

Very nice way to spend a Monday.

Whenever I am developing loads I load up 4 cases at each powder charge - if I fluff one shot in the group I can still get an idea of whether the load groups well.....


Re: 85gn pills loaded . . . .

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 11:31 pm
by stinkitup
Who did you order the Rudolph through?

Re: 85gn pills loaded . . . .

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 7:59 am
by mick_762
'Dolph himself.

Re: 85gn pills loaded . . . .

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 8:38 am
by mick_762
Dammit, 26km/h easterly blowing.

Oh well will look for elevation changes and hope to get good shots off in a lull of the wind.

Re: 85gn pills - Range Report Below

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 11:31 am
by mick_762
Well what a mixed bag of holes in paper . . .

The breeze stiffened while I was there, but I was in a reasonably sheltered dip in the ground.

Wind got up to 31 Km/h from the BOM site.

Sooo how did it go?

High: 3225fps
Low: 3207fps
Average: 3217fps
S.D: 9
E.S: 15fps
Group: 0.454" (29/64")
Elevation Spread: 0.454"

High: 3261fps
Low: 3242fps
Average: 3252fps
S.D: 9
E.S: 19fps
Group: 1.55" (1 9/16")
Elevation Spread: 1.07" (1 5/64")

High: 3274fps
Low: 3259fps
Average: 3265fps
S.D: 7
E.S: 15fps
Group: 0.442 (7/16")
Elevation Spread: 0.442 (7/16")

High: 3278fps
Low: 3257fps
Average: 3268fps
S.D: 10
E.S: 11fps
Group: 1.891 (1 57/64")
Elevation Spread: 0.393 (25/64")

So all in all, a mixed bag of results,

I think I will reshoot 43, 43.4 and 46gn groups, what do you guys think?
All loads had easy extraction and nil signs of pressure in MY rifle.
ACP Test Rl 17 - resized.JPG

Re: 85gn pills - Range Report Below

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 11:39 am
by bimbo
If it was me I would just load the rest at 43.4 and go shoot some stuff, in reality though I would be happy with any of those loads as hunting ammo.
If you are looking for ultimate accuracy I would try another group at 43.6 - very little vertical in it and a good chance that the flyer was just a puff of wind given the conditions.

Re: 85gn pills - Range Report Below

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 12:49 pm
by stinkitup
bimbo wrote:If it was me I would just load the rest at 43.4 and go shoot some stuff, in reality though I would be happy with any of those loads as hunting ammo.
If you are looking for ultimate accuracy I would try another group at 43.6 - very little vertical in it and a good chance that the flyer was just a puff of wind given the conditions.

Especially considering the two together were hitting pretty much the same POI as the 43.4's.

You might find 43.6 is a sweet spot/accuracy node eg anything between 43.4 - 43.8 will shoot to almost the same POI. Do another at 43.4/43.6/43.8 as no pressure signs.


Re: 85gn pills - Range Report Below

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:00 pm
by mick_762
Sorry Gents,

Too many rifles / brass combinations.

This was with Winchester brass.


Re: 85gn pills - Range Report Below

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:29 pm
by CZ550

I think i would settle on the 43.6 grn load also - it may pay to muck around with your seating depth to further improve it. My .243 load improved dramatically by seating the projies 40 thou off the lands compared to the powder testing I did at 20 thou off the lands.

Good luck!
