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Tikka T3 308

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:31 pm
by Tanno
I'm a big fan of loading projectiles close to the lands and have found very good results in doing so. I'm in the market to purchase a 308win and am looking at the Tikka T3 Varmint but speaking to a freind of mine who reloads for his friends T3 in 308 has found that if you get close to the lands the round wont fit in the magazine. So i have spoken to Berreta Australia and i get the standard line of our rifles are meant to fire factory ammo, but seeing that you can mix and match with the Tikka has anyone tried the combination of changing to the long bolt stop and using the 30-06 magazine and chambering 308 rounds sucessfully or any other combination that works

Thanks in Advance.

Re: Tikka T3 308

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:06 pm
by cam_mackps2
To load into the lands i can see 3 solution. The first you have listed, replace bolt stop and magazine. The second is to single load. And the third would be to get the barrel set back and rechambered.
The cheapest is to single load but then you can't get shots off quickly (whats the point of single loading a magazine feed rifle).
The other 2 would have a similar cost (~$60 for bolt stop & ~$120 for magazine).
The cut and shut option allows you to have a match chamber to suit the bullet you would like to use.

Re: Tikka T3 308

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:07 pm
by Rath
With the Tikka T3 Varmint (.308) I owned I was able to kiss the lands with a 155gr Dyer projectile and had plenty of room to spare in the mag. I would imagine that the Tikka factory chamber specs are cloned.

Re: Tikka T3 308

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:08 pm
by JasonF
Notwithstanding Rath's experience, I read somewhere about someone doing the bolt stop and mag swap on a T3 in 260. It fed and worked fine. Easy enough to swap back if you need to later.

Re: Tikka T3 308

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:47 am
by tikka
Jason I'm pretty sure it was Lowndsie and his 260rem.

Re: Tikka T3 308

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:27 pm
by Plasmaboy_AU
I have a left hand T3 with a long throated 308 target barrel on it. the loaded rounds were WAY too long to fit in the medium mags that suit a .308. All you need is a file to file back the bolt stop and a 30-06 style mag.. works very well