trevort wrote:
What about getting a chamber made like a 222 AI, only necking down, say 4 5ths or 3/4 of the 222 neck so you leave a false shoulder to fire form off. hmmmm.
I like 20 cals!
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! don't give me more ideas
in all honesty i went to bed with that dummy round (the 20 dog-donga) and i think i'm in love, hehe.
does anyone know if this varient of 20 been done yet?? couldn't find the 20 extreme that was mentions earlier and the 20 bobcat uses the long neck of the 222 case.
G,day Andrew
I did a 204ruger short chambered to use a 222 case on a tikka 55 action. If you go this route you will have to neck up to 6mm then back down to .204 so that you form a false shoulder to headspace off for your fireforming loads. After fireforming its just a matter of running your brass through a shortened 204ruger sizing die. I neck turned my formed cases as well to get rid of any variance in neck thickness.
I used a 1in10 twist as well. If I was going to do it again I would go a 1in11 twist as I think the tighter twist may rob a bit of velocity.
I run run reloder 10x in my 204sh ( stands for short Hills ) after Keith Hills
If you,ve got any more questions just holla.
jethro again.
Last edited by Jethro on Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
hmmm, bugger i've been beaten again at this wild catting. what length are your cases at? i've set up the dummy round at 1.565"
also thanks for the 6mm advice but i'm bumping the shoulder back a few thou so head spacing won't be a problem. the 222 being 23 degree shoulder and the 204 30 degrees will also give the neck shoulder area a positive spacing just in case.
what are you pet loads for your 204SH?
i'm hoping to burn 2207 since i have kg's of the stuff that i'm not using anymore.
Andrew, I can get to 23.5gr of re10x in my 20 practical but thats with lapua cases. They are pretty heavy compared to the rems so pressure is up a bit. In the rems I shot up to 24.5gr. I would hazard a guess you would be looking at running around 21gr but you will need to start in the high teens and work up slowly IMO.
I got up to 24.5 in the win cases, but since the primers fell back out on 3 of them when I reloaded the cases, I'm guessing that was the limit! I'll load lighter until i get my die back (somehow left it at Missed's place) and then see how good these IMI cases are
Hey Andrew
I,ve checked my overall CASE length, it is 1.685''. Water capacity is around 28.5 grains in winchester cases. One thing to remember is that the saami pressure spec for 222rem is only 50,000psi whereas the 223 is 55,000psi so all things being equal a case formed out of 223 brass should handle more pressure and attain better velocities. Remember also that the more RPMs you put on a projectile the more energy it will soak up to get it turning at that speed. Higher velocities stabilize longer bullets in a given twist easier so you really need to work out what you want to do with this rifle. The guys over on are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to small calibre wildcats.
As far as loads go I got 3890 fps from a 32vmax over 23.3gns of re10x.
3630 fps from a 39b,king over 22.5gns of rel10x
3740 fps from a 40vmax over 24.1gns of adi 2206 (the one they don't make anymore)
didn't consider the pressure between 222rem and 223/204 brass. the barrel is a 12" twist that will be fine for 32grs and under. not after using the 39's or 40's, got my 204 for that.
i could always from down 223 brass but i'll work with the 222 brass for now and keep velocities modest, i'm after skins anyway.
interesting to see that you came so close to 204 speeds with 4gr less powder.
yeah massive bugger there's no 2206 anymore. i would have like to have tried it. could have bought 6 containers of it cheap when it was being run out but thought i'd just go straight for 2206h. live and learn. i hear 748 is close to 2206
So 20 Vatarg would be good enough for most spotlighting? Since most shots are within 200m(even though you think they are 300m!). It would be a bit cheaper to feed and be a bit quieter than the "bigger" 20s eh? Might be worth a look into for the economy rabbit rifle. Anyone have a cost per round worked out on them?
Fair enough. Was thinkin about the actual ranges of most of the stuff I shoot. most of the stuff around here, you can't really see(at night) past about 200m. Anywhere where you can see them further out from that and they are motoring to get to cover. I am not keen on shooting at eyes, I like to shoot at bodies to make sure of a kill. Head shooting from 200m doesn't interesting me as the chances of missing are higher.
The .223 is great for this anyway because if you can see it you can hit it without worrying about holdover and stuff but a quieter round might be an advantage. Out of interest, how much per round are they to reload. Thinking of a replacement for the HMR.
Plowboy,I have formed up 20 Vartarg brass from 222 cases it is a piece of piss. 222 case into a 221 Fireball form and trim die hack it of the run it through a 20 vartarg full length die.That is probably the cheapest option.Next best is buy 221 fireball brass and run it into a 20 VT die.You can use 17 Fireball brass and run it onto a 20 cal expander but Remington brass is expensive ($115/100)
As AI said buy 100 Lapua cases($94 at Custers) already annealed 10 odd reloads per case.And in my opinion it will do all you need.