RCBS 10-10 for the mechanicals, slow but accurate.
I have several electronic scales,can be quicker but also tempermental in wind or sudden temperature changes.
I have no real preference as i weigh each and every charge of powder.I also have a lyman auto dipenser which I don't think is as good as the RCBS model I borrowed once.
For projectiles and other components I like the digital readouts on the electronic scales.
I like the electronic scales. I am slow anyway in weighing charges but the balance beam style would have me there all day.
I was looking at the Harrels powder measures in the Sinclairs catalogue. They look interesting too.
G'Day all,
I use a old omark 505 balance beam scale for reloading and for the range/BR matches I have an el cheapo digital scale that is surprisingly accurate. I also use check weights to keep an eye on things.
I do not use the digital scales for reloading, only to check the weigth thrown by my Harrel powder thrower in competition because I throw straight into the ppc case. All my F class loads are weighed to the exact amount on the balance beam scales.
FWIW, We have tested the 6ppc at 600yds with charges straight from the powder thrower vs the individually weighed loads and the individually weighed charges reduced the vertical in the groups to 1/3 of that caused by dumping straight into the case from the Harrel measure. Not particularly relevant unless you are shooting beyond 300yds.
I also have a high quality electronic lab balance (accurate to +/- 0.01grams) that I used to weigh spiders during my PhD research. I plan to used this in conjunction with a redding trickler for super accurate (but probably bloody slow) loads and to check the calibration of the chargemaster.
I also have a set of Lymans that I was given, however I think it is missing some kind of centrivical wheel that is used to adjust the zero, so I don't use them.
Can anyone tell me the item that is missing on the Lyman and if its replaceable?