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Townsville 500m and 1000yd Results 2-5-15

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:17 pm
by justjeff

The results from the shoot yesterday. Winds were described by the BOM as variable, 10k. They got the variable right anyway.

I managed to turn a .35" group into a 2", first 4 shots in one of my 500m targets goes .354, the last pushed it into the 2" bracket. One day I'll get the organic thing at the back of the gun sorted out!!

Well done to Al N, shooting a 7" day agg at 1000yd, looks like he is finally getting his cruiser weight HG sorted.


Re: Townsville 500m and 1000yd Results 2-5-15

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:59 pm
by Old Trev-39
Jeff's .354 4 shot group was awesome he shot a 10.1 for his last shot the only time he did not need a 10.i as his 4 shots were around the 9/10 line at 7 o'clock and the other one was near the x if I remember correctly as I was in the butts.
Old Trev-39