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Looking for a medium priced varmint scope

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:51 pm
by Archfile
I'm looking to spend a little more on a new scope than the last time,
upgrade time, but I don't want to spend too much, I was thinking of
the following, but feel free to suggest anything else that I could look

6 or 8 to 24-32x and a fine reticle

Side focus

Potential Candidates:

Bushnell Elite 4200 ... -6242p.cfm
or ... -8324m.cfm

Lynx Optics ... ctID=RS375

Sightron SIII 6-24x50, Dot

Burris Black Diamond 8-32x50, Fine Plex

Any Advice for me?


Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:03 pm
by dave
I was in the same boat a while back ended up with a vxII 6-18, was very keen on the sightron and bushnell as have heard good things about both, think you would be happy with any you have listed to be honest!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:00 pm
by bushchook
Have a Bushnell 4 - 16 x 40 Elite 4200 . Quite impressive resolution , good adjustments . More flare than my VX 111 when looking into the setting sun . Perhaps I should fit the shade that came with it in those situations ? Very well priced .

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:14 am
by Dave.223
I have the same scope as bushchook and I love the thing. Great resolution and quality is excellent. You can't go wrong there but I have also heard good things about Sightron.
Have a look at both if you can and it might come down to just a personal like or dislike.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:42 am
by 7mmmag
I have heard good reports on the Lynx scopes. Apparently the glass and insides are made in Japan, which have a better reputation than the Chinese made scopes.

I have found that the old saying 'what you pay for is what you get' rings true with optics.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:01 pm
by Jethro
Give a bit of thought as to whether you will be doing any/alot of spotlight work. If you are then perhaps a 50mm objective lens or a 30mm tube will help with light gathering. Also very hard to see very fine crosshairs if they are not illuminated. I know of one bloke who was going to trade back from a vx11 6-18 for that reason. Be aware of the advertised eye relief on the Lynx. I bought one in 1.5-6 to put on my 350remag and have found that eyerelief is a lot closer than the 4'' advertised. Off the bench the rear bell keeps on hitting me on the bridge of my shooting glasses. :x best thing to do is look through as many as possible before buying.
Cheers Jethro :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:48 pm
by Archfile
I don't use it under spotlight more than 3 or 4 times a year at most. I'm a fan of fine reticles because my eyesight is good and i shoot in good lighting at small targets at 200m+ so it makes sense.

I'm leaning towards the sidefocus bushnell 4200


Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:36 pm
by bushchook
The Bushnell reticle will show up easily with any half decent spotlight .

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:41 am
by Col. Pogy
Have you seen a Weaver Grand slam? Here is the link. ... &src=ba378. I think this is in the range you are looking for. They have the micro-track adjustment system the bench shooters like. May this is at least more information.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:46 am
by stoive
The bushnell's have the AO focus on the front lens.

The 8-32 only comes in a multiplex reticle, which has put me off it to some degree, but I could live with it. Only a 40mm lens but it does have 95% light transmission.

I am wanting to shoot from the bench as well so the 32x would be nice but if only hunting then the 24x would be more than adequate.

I am interested in the Burris Black Diamond with the 50mm lens.

Only heard good things of the Bushnell Elite series, anyone got experience with the latest Burris scopes.


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:34 pm
by trevort
I put a Black diamond on my 6/250. Limited use so far but its my 3rd Burris.

I looked at a weaver GS (think 14 top power) a Burris signature and a the loopy you guys are talking about on WED. Optically couldnt see anything in them that was different. The loopy had the finest cross hairs which was a plus for me.

I liked the elite 3200 i had but only thing that puts me off the elite range is they are very big scopes.

Brendan atkinson gave the sightron target scope a great review a while back.