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how do you make Lee collet dies give more neck tension??

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 12:39 pm
by ogre6br
Is there a simple was to modify Lee coolet die in .223 to give more neck tension??

I initially have to seat the projectiles with a seater fine- but once I get the projectiles in there over a certain depth
they just slide into the case with no apparent lower neck (shoulder area) tension compared to the mouth of the case.

I have tried using a RCBS neck die and it crushed the shoulders back in.

Trying to increase the tension for the whole of the neck length esp the lower portion neat the shoulder junction.



Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:03 pm
by trevort
polish the stem down a 1/1000th of an inch or is it a 100th? i read it somewhere. In fact Lee will make you one to give tighter neck tension if you order off their website

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:35 pm
Hi as trevor said just polish the decapper mandrel down .001'' or as there paper work that cum with it suggest you can anneal the case neck 1st

Polishing the Mandrel.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:05 pm
by Detritus
Hi ogre,
trevort & X WSSM are on the money. I had similar dramas with Lee Deluxe dies in .303. I had the Mandrel polished .001 leaner and it now has cases gripping any projie like a vise :D


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:51 am
by Col. Pogy
Right on. I would also reccommend you anneal the case after 3 firings as I consider the hardness of the brass affacts grip in the bullet. I think it helps. Oh yes, put a little grease on the part of the collet that tapers so it does not gall the female part it fits up with. Beers, er, cheers, pogy

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:37 am
by ogre6br
THe brass I was using was once fired (fireforming ) factory American eagle 50 grain HP brass (federal????)

it had only been fired and formed from factory form to .223AI form- then stuck in a plastic bag and then a drawer for about 9 years.

People said I could use a Lee collet on .223 AI brass to neck size it- so I got some out to try as I'm seriously considering getting a nother .223 AI.

and the loose necks occured

so I dont theink the brass is too hard
In fact if I dont champher the inside of the mouth seating FBHP projectiles causes the shoulders to collapse and ruin the case- but even with the case shoulder collapsed the projectiles still slips up and down the neck.

got me stumped??


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 11:29 am
by Col. Pogy
I just looked the cutaway picture of the case and collet die on the cover of the lee reloading manual, Since the AI has the shoulder angle changed and that extends the shoulder length the case would probably not go as far up into the collet and yet still make it operate-------except that makes it act like a short case? Perhaps looking closely at what you have and trying one or two would be in order. .223 vice .223AI. BTW, age will harden even lightly worked brass. No harm in annealing 2 to try? For high quality results you must get the technique perfected before assembling your ammo, yes? If your gun has a minimum dimension chamber neck it may not expand much at all. I use the regular 223 lee collet die and wouldn't you know, shellholders vary enough in dimension to affect the collet die set up. Just trying to be helpful mate. I puzzled through a lot of this kind of thing on the way to more puzzlement. cheers, pogy

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:47 pm
by morerams
If your brass has been unused for 9 yrs it is probably harder than you think it is, I suggest annealing it, you can lose anything by annealing it.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:25 am
by Sam Walker
I've polished the mandrel down a touch on my hornet dies, pretty easy to do and stops that annoying suction when the case comes out of the die. You just need to be careful in sussing out where you want to polish it down. I used a drill and some 600 wet and dry, and finished off with 1200.
With the AI case ,is the neck shorter or is it only the shoulder angle/body taper changed ?