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Need opinions ASAP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:07 pm
by doidge5781
Im looking for a new scope for my .223 which is mainly a nightworker for foxes and roo's it currently has a tasco 6-24x44 which is ok during the day but pretty average at night. I have been offered a second hand Millet 4-16x56 for $350 by my local gunshop which came off his .204 it is in perfect condition. Has anyone used one of these b4 or know someone that has, not really concerned about the magnification mainly the objective size as i mostly use 10x anyway which is enough for most of my shots. So the question is should i jump on it or save some more coin for something more extravagant.

Re: Need opinions ASAP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:08 pm
by chris.tyne
Dunno much about the millet,had a set of rings to suit a ruger Vt once and they were shit quality and broke before you got the clamps anywhere near tight.To me $350 sounds like a fair wad of cash for a 2nd hand millet scope,what is the quality like on the scopes.Dont panic and rush in and buy anything till you have done a bit more research,they made more that one of them and there are a lot of other good deals to be had.

Regards Chris

Re: Need opinions ASAP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:11 pm
by adonn223
IMO that would be an excellent scope for spotlighting because of the extra light the 56mm objective would let in. though I have not had anything to with millet scopes before

Re: Need opinions ASAP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:33 pm
by Knackers
You can't go wrong with a good fixed power, if your going to keep it on one power setting 90% of the time then stuff carrying the extra weight and having to adjust settings etc, I have a fixed 8 power on my 223 and can keep up with or out shoot many mates with big scopes on spotlighting riggs. :wink:
JMO :wink:

Re: Need opinions ASAP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:42 pm
by trevort
Millet are American owned but made in China. They changed factories and the old manufacturer did the dirty on them, kept pumping the same product out in the same packaging and flogging them cheap on Ebay. Wonder what quality control was in place in the knock off factory? If its an original Millet it will have their warranty. If its a knock off it doesnt and you are getting ripped off.

How do you know if its an original or not?

Re: Need opinions ASAP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:51 pm
by Rinso
I would look at this one
3.5-10x50 V-Plex Reticle RRP $361 - AUSVARMINT SPECIAL $250 (1 Item only) ... =35&t=4589

Brand new gives you 10 x 50 which is plenty for spotlighting and comes with a lifetime tranferrable warranty. Plenty of Vortex scope users here to venture an opinion on quality as well.


Re: Need opinions ASAP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:01 pm
by Dave.223
Hey Knackers, what scope make is that on your .223?


Re: Need opinions ASAP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:48 pm
by doidge5781
Thanx for the input guys (and girls if any) i was thinking of a fixed 10x50-56mm the millet just come up as i was looking around the shop what would you recommend in fixed 10x 50-56mm obj around $400 mark

Re: Need opinions ASAP

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:06 pm
by HiWall
I would be jumping on that Vortex if it is still available mate - better be quick, I might just buy it for my shelf until I need one for a rifle!