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Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:58 pm
by Knackers
Just wondering where Leupold FX series scopes sit in the range? :wink:

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:00 pm
by The Raven
Knackers wrote:Just wondering where Leupold FX series scopes sit in the range? :wink:

Range of what?

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:04 pm
by Knackers
As in VX1 VX2 VX3, I assume they are a budget line???

Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:07 pm
by Knackers

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:53 pm
by TexNAss
You looking for a new one mate? $50 bucks- and I'll take it ;)

Five-Star Scopes
Leupold VX-6
Schmidt & Bender
Swarovski Z5, Z6
Zeiss Victory series

Four-Star-Plus Scopes
Bushnell Elite 6500
Leupold VX-3, FX-3, VX-R <========
Sightron Series III (SIIISS)
Swarovski Z3
Weaver Super Slam

Four-Star Scopes
Bushnell Elite
Leupold VX-2, FX-2
Minox ZA
Nikon Monarch 3
Pentax Lightseeker
Sightron Series II Big Sky (SIIB)
Vixen Sport Optics line
Weaver Grand Slam
Zeiss Conquest

Three-Star Plus Scopes
Burris Fullfield E1, C4
Bushnell Legend Ultra HD
Leupold VX-I, FX-I, Mark AR
Sightron Series II (SII)

Three-Star Scopes
Burris Fullfield II
Bushnell Trophy XLT
Leupold Rifleman
Nikon Buckmaster
Redfield Revolution
Sightron SI
Weaver Classic V-Series and K-Series, Rimfire

Two-Star-Plus Scopes
Nikon ProStaff, Rimfire
Pentax Gameseeker
Redfield Revenge

Two-Star Scopes
Bushnell Banner
Mueller Optics line
Simmons Simmons ProHunter, 44 Mag
Weaver Kaspa


Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:58 pm
by The Raven
Knackers wrote:As in VX1 VX2 VX3, I assume they are a budget line???
Oh, OK. Not familiar with them at all.

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:06 pm
by TexNAss
I believe the "original" FX's replaced the fixed magnification of the Mark series. But they got flash coated lenses or something when they turned into the FX's.

Fx1,FX2, etc..etc are evolutions onwards I believe.. I was looking for information on the earlier Mark models and all I could find was FX information.

That's from memory so I would NOT trust it.


Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:16 pm
by The Raven
I think Chuckhawks under rate the Nikon Prostaff rimfire models simply because they aren't 'Merkin. Yes, I'm biased because I own one.

As far as a rimfire scope goes, the Nikon Prostaff EFR is pretty damn good value (eg. wouldn't waste my money on a Leupold/Redfield for a rimfire). However, it doesn't sound like you're after a rimfire scope.

Just beware the US trend to over-rate anything made in America. It's nice to be patriotic, but it's another thing to let it blind you. Certain nations are experts at self-delusion...and then price accordingly.

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:22 pm
by Knackers
Got the one pictured, in the mail from a mate today for a birthday present to go on my new Savage .22LR I put on layby, lm very grateful for it but was unfamiliar with the FX series. Raven l had a VX2 6-18x40 on my 22/250 a few years ago and thought my grand slam a better scope.

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:32 pm
by TexNAss
Stick it up to your eyeball after you go for a walk outside I reckon.

In either case- like the scope or not- your friends are much nicer than mine ; )


Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:40 pm
by The Raven
Knackers wrote:Got the one pictured, in the mail from a mate today for a birthday present to go on my new Savage .22LR I put on layby, lm very grateful for it but was unfamiliar with the FX series. Raven l had a VX2 6-18x40 on my 22/250 a few years ago and thought my grand slam a better scope.
Well you can't complain about getting a Leupold for your birthday. It'll be more than enough for your 22LR. Wish I had friends like that.....(I had a friend once).

Leupold does make great scopes but do think they are a tad overrated/overpriced because of the 'Merkin bias.

For me, the Nikon was an exceptional bargain on my 22LR and I often get positive comments from those who try it.

The Redfield (made by Leupold in Oregon) on my 308 I'm starting to think twice about. It shot a sub-MOA group once or twice...but I have to chase groups with it now.

At the end of the day, it's up to your eyeball and not anyone elses!!!!!

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:28 pm
by Knackers
I'm absolutely stoked to recieve it for a present, just never heard of the FX series, been away from the sport to long, cant wait for my PTA to come back so l can put it all together.

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 10:49 pm
by DSD
A few fellas I used to know used them on there hunter class rimfires and were pretty happy with them but then again it is a little different to using in a paddock.

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:31 am
by adamjp
F in FX stands for 'Fixed', referring to the magnification. V stands for 'Variable'.

An FX2 is equal in build quality to a VX2. Same adjustment mechanism, same lens coatings, etc.

An FX3 is equal in quality to a VX3. Again with the coatings, adjustment, etc.

Re: Leupold FX scopes

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 12:37 pm
by GJS
adamjp wrote:F in FX stands for 'Fixed', referring to the magnification. V stands for 'Variable'.

An FX2 is equal in build quality to a VX2. Same adjustment mechanism, same lens coatings, etc.

An FX3 is equal in quality to a VX3. Again with the coatings, adjustment, etc.
And your scope box says FX3. :D