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Any one Own or Tried a .17PPC ?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:51 pm
by Kenny
Hey all,

Just wondering if any of you have owned or used one of these .17PPC things :?:

It has got a dang big boiler room for a little pill and have seen some phenominal speed reports 8)

Just wondering how bad it would foul and if the projies available in Aus could hack the pace.


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 1:21 pm
by steven

Stuart and Annie have a 17ppc barrel that fits Annies Fly gun. Email stuart and ask him what he thinks. Loaded the '06 up yesterday and took it up to the pistol club. 54gns of 2208 was the most accurate. Now alls we have to do is get the 284 going and find some bunnies.

Spoke to Hurricane last night and she wants us to stay at her place in October. Let me know what u think and I will let her know. No hurry.


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 2:05 pm
by kjd
what sort of velocities did the 17ppc do?

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:44 pm
by Kenny
Thanks Stevo, I did not know they were into that sort of stuff, I will email them tonight....hmmm maybe I will score a bargain :D I was thinking of the .17 as a fun gun to use up some farked PPC cases + when I pulled the Remo apart to build the BR and 284, it was a .17 and now I sorta...miss it :cry:

Well after the last projies through the 284 told me to shag myself and did not make the target, I have sorta lost heart with it, I dunno if I will ever slow em down enough with the twist rate, the manufacturer says they should handle 3500fps, and they prolly can ...but not at 2 zillion revs :lol:

I will speak to you about the accomodation sometime.....dunno if I would get any sleep there with the hurricane blowin' and you snoring :lol: and I gotta kick a few arses that weekend. Am still toying with Springsure....hmmmm ahhh da points,da points :lol: :lol: :lol:

kjd, I have seen claims of 4700fps shooting groups about the 1/4" mark, dunno if it's all crap or not. I was hoping someone may have had the experience with one to know.


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:35 pm
by steven

Dont think I will be doing much sleeping. Will have to be up at 5 to get to the range on time. Have seen velocity figures in ? for 17ppc. I think the fastest with a 25gn was in the 4500fps range but depends on what bullet will hold together long enough to get to the target. They even shot some 17grainers as well.

Stick some 55s in the BR and give them a run. I gotta get out and kill something soon. Checked out my local rabbit spot the other day and they are starting to clean out their burrows so should be some kitten action shortly.


Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:50 am
by Kenny

Yeppies, seen the site it was the 17gn'ers that got the speed up there, dunno if they would be available in aus though.

If you ain't sleepin' then I am definately camping at the range :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have got an itchy trigger finger too :lol: theres a few bunnies about here atm, and the place I was talking about would be fairly crawling I imagine, just need that free day to go. Theres a coupla crows been sitting out about 100m from the house too :D they will become explosion tests this weekend.

I will see what Johnny has got on the shelf on Thursday and do a bit of a sight in on Friday.....the lot, 222, 243, BR & the six and a half + test that farkin scope :!: :x


Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:31 am
by steven

Shame u cant get a day off. I'm gunna head to Gunnedah on Sunday for a benchrest fix if the weather plays the game. Haven't been over since November last year.

Finally received my ssaa mag on Sunday. Did u see the article in there about the bloke who made all his reloading gear. I'll give u one guess who that was.

I've threaded the Krieger and did the cone but will not chamber till I receive the stock. Put a 45deg chamfer on the back and made the tenon 1.075 then threaded and fitted it to the action and it went straight in without a problem.


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:31 pm
by Kenny

I have Friday and but thats no good to you unless you chuck a sickie :D

I have no flamin idea what you are talking about re the home made gear........are we reading the same book :?: are you takin the piss outta me :?: I have NOT got a clue :lol:
Good job by Brendy on the Sightron review, Billo should be happy with that.

Yay the chamfer worked, that should make things a lot easier in the future and get the cases in further.
I wondered how long it would be before you played with it, if you chambered it as is, would it make weight or be too short :?: and did you cut the cone at a half a degree less to leave some room for gunk :?:


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:51 pm
by steven

Busy as buggery so wont be able to chuck a sicky.

Its in Sporting Shooter not the journal. Is old Bill from Gunnedah.

Had a bloke ring up from Glenn Innes yesterday and ask me about the Sightrons. He's going to ring Billo and order two 36s.

Not going to chamber till I know the weight of the stock. Dont want to wear out your reamer. If I can get 20" out of it I will chamber it but if I can't I'll cut off a couple of inches of the form. There is 5" of form on a krieger so it wont matter too much. Gave the cone about 5thou of clearance.


Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:53 am
by Kenny

Ahhh so it wasn't in the journal......was just about to send the men in white with those 'nice' jackets, which have the sleeves that tie at the back 'round to........... YOUR PLACE :lol: :lol: :lol:

So Bill has a story on him.....good stuff :!: will have to buy a copy :D