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Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:23 pm
by hobbygodz
Hello forum members,
I'm looking for a new torch, a hand held spotter / walker as I'm often not working from a vehicle.
I already have a decent rifle mounted torch.
I'm utterly dumf@cked

by the plethora of current offerings so any advice would be most appreciated guys.
Are adjustable beam aspherics available / recommended? And emitter kelvin - neutral or warm if an option?
Here's a list of the features that I
think I am after.
- Multi level output. (high / low / med / etc)
- Beam spread adjustable. (from a wide beam for hiking to a strong narrow beam out to 150m with some spill)
- 18650 batt. 1 or 2 cells.
- 900+ lumens.
- single l.e.d.
- Under $250.
Cheers guys.
Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:37 pm
by chappo555
Paging Fenring......Fenring......customer service isle two....
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:10 pm
by fenring
A lot of folks are keen on adjustable focus, as they think it's the best of both worlds. In reality, these lights are either focused or they aren't. Move to flood and you lose that bright hotspot. Move to focus and you lose all the flood. Halfway between and you have neither. Waterproofing can also be an issue as they head needs to be able to move.
In reality, a well designed reflector light can give a tight spot and a good corona of flood. That's just my personal preference.
I'm a real fan of Solarforce lights as the bang for the buck is unbeatable. And the quality quite good.
I would consider the M3 in this combo here:
http://www.solarforceflashlight-sales.c ... age=1&sh=1
and add an extender to let you run two 18650 batteries.
http://www.solarforceflashlight-sales.c ... s=16&id=60
You are stuck with a cool white emitter with this light.
The new M9 would be another candidate.
http://www.solarforceflashlight-sales.c ... =26&id=572
Nitecore Thor would be another. ... p-624.html
Jetbeam BC40 can be had in neutral white: ... p-265.html
Eagletac G25C2
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:21 pm
by Camel
bloody hell Chappo, have you found his magic lamp or something, give it a rub and up he pops.

Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:53 pm
by hobbygodz
Hey Fenring, thank-you for the links, also for your time spent researching and writing the reply.
Much appreciated mate. I will give them a thorough perusing tomorrow.
Re "adjustable focus" -
In reality, these lights are either focused or they aren't
- Failed to see that one coming, that's good info I that I never saw on torch seller's websites eh.
Cheers, Brad.
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:19 am
by fenring
Adjustable focus has its place - in small pocket sized lights with the right LED type it can give more throw than a small reflector will give when fully focused. The bigger and very popular Cree XM-L emitter (the one everyone calls "1000 lumen chip") doesn't focus all that well in a smaller torch. You get a square spot but it's not all that intense.
A few months back I compared a Wolf Eyes X-Beam side by side with my own Solarforce Pro-1. The Wolf Eyes has probably twice the output. On full focus it was beaten in throw by the Pro-1. On flood it was also beaten by the Pro-1, which has a reflector that's designed to focus a tight spot AND give a wide, fine spill. The only tradeoff is the Pro-1 has a 57mm head vs the X-Beam's of about 40mm.
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:29 pm
by hobbygodz
Cheers Fenring, I will choose one from the links you supplied.
Most likely the Solarforce M3 (+ext) or the Jetbeam BC40.
Will report how it goes after an in-field test. -Brad.
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:21 am
by PsePete
What Torch did you go with mate? I have a Jetbeam bc40 on layby atm.
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:46 pm
by hobbygodz
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:25 pm
by fenring
Big bangers.
The wood on that rile is very interesting.
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 6:57 pm
by hobbygodz
Howdy Fen. The timber is beech. Stained, oiled and waxed. Cheers mate.
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:58 am
by PsePete
Thanks mate. I will try the BC40 and see how it goes. It should be ok for me atm. Later when I get a .17hmr I might upgrade.
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:52 pm
by RDavies
Great info. I saw how good a few of the torches were at Missedathon and now my 10 year old spotlight I thought was great I being thrown away. There were smaller torches which ate it for breakfast. I was going to post a question about torches but someone beat me to it.
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:28 pm
by kickinback
I run a solarforce M9 and couldn't be happier. For $69 I do not believe it can be beaten.
Re: Torch advice for the confused please.....
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:58 pm
Dashooter had an Olight MX3 and Joelomunro a Solarforce Pro 1 both running 2x18650`s.The olight impressed me but it is a lot more money than the M9 i grabbed of ebay for 72 AUD to my door.