Hard Rifle Cases.

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Hard Rifle Cases.

Post by Detritus »

G'Day everyone,
Just wondering if anyone can reccommend a decent hard case (single or double, for scoped rifle). I've checked out a couple of the Winchester ones , but just wondering if there are any other brands worth chasing up...
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Post by Simpson »

I was pretty impressed by the SKB ones that Hinterland Shooting Supplies sell. They have an insurance policty that if it breaks and rifle is damages then they will give you money to fix / replace it - SKB that is. Can't quite remember exactly so don't take my word for it.

Apart from that they were very solid but pricey. A single was $220 or so 18 months ago.

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Post by cam_mackps2 »

I have a plano plastic single case. Good for shotgun, had to close with a 50mm scope, and a little bit fiddly to get my t3 223 with 40mm scope to fit in properly.
But it was only $120.

SKB i believe are up there with the best.
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Gun Cases

Post by Flash Gordon »

John Eland in Melbourne makes strong cases to order. Think they are called Everlite or Evalite.

Post by Crazyleff »

Pelican cases models number 1720 or 1750 are excellent but very pricey, they do come with lifetime warranties though.
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Post by bushchook »

Stamford are pretty good . Had a rifle fall off the back of a ute in one at about 40km/h . Both undamaged .
Have a Crown currently which is as good or better . Think it was about $150 .
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Post by woob614271 »

I have a (double) Fortress; they're made of alloy, tough as buggery, and whie they're pricey (can't remember what I paid) they are aiurline approved , and handler proof!
They'll even make 'em to order to suit the rifle for a consideration; just think, why trust a multi-thousand dollar rig to a $100 case?

the WOOB
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Post by Detritus »

just think, why trust a multi-thousand dollar rig to a $100 case?
Amen to that Woob 8)
Thanks guys, Exactly the info i was after :D
The SKB look 100 times better than anything i've seen in stores so far..... will check out all suggestions over the weekend.The Pelican type i have used for smaller stuff B4 and are awesome, but wanted to know if a brand exists thats somewhat closer to Pelican quality for a tad less coin.
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Post by Ned Kelly »

G'Day all,
sorry Woob, NOTHING is handler proof, I see it everyday at work!
If travelling by air and you have a quality scope, I recommend removing it and having it as carry on luggage (if the airline allows it of course) I know a few BR shooters who carried their scopes as carryon luggage for the 1997 WBC.
Cheerio Ned
Jack H

Post by Jack H »

l had a Doskocil double rifle case :oops: Was supose to be a hard case, not good at all :twisted: Would not even hold a rifle in there securely :!:
Would not recommend them at all :(
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Post by woob614271 »

Yes, Ned Kelly, you ARE right 'bout handlers (I worked for QR once), unfortunately. I totally agree with the comment regarding carrying the scope on board (very well packed).
the WOOB
ps. killacat!

Post by Crazyleff »

I've used the pelican cases a fair bit at my work in all their various sizes and shapes and have been really inpressed. I was impressed enough that I just forked out 500 dollars on one for my varminting rig. I figure the case will probably outlast all my rifles.
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Post by Dr G »

got to agree Crazyleff, i use them a lot for work as well and man can they handle punishment. I had a $40,000 GPS receiver, a $15,000 field computer and a Digital SLR camera fall off of a quadbike at 60km onto hard rock. other than a few scratches the case's was undamaged and more importantly the contents were all intact and in perfect order. For the GPS and field computer they are pretty rugged anyway but the digital camera and lenses are fragile as buggery.

I cant speak for their gun cases but pelican is a company that dosent make shit, their reputation is in quality and if its a tough case you want i dont think you can go past them.

A few hundred dollars well spent i think
Rule 303

Post by Rule 303 »

Fortress, Pelican and another case made the same as Pelican just can't remember the name are the ones I would back. Storm case I think.
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Post by Peter O »

There are plenty of good cases on the market but Pelican would be the best I have used.
Weight is a big consideration and some of the Aluminium cases on the market far outweigh the firearms inside. This will get expensive when travelling by air.
I prefer eggshell foam to cut outs, I find it holds the firearm more securely.
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