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Re: nikon scopes

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:41 pm
by HiWall
Trev wrote:It isnt an export issue, Its an issue the companies have with Leupold. Optics Planet told me via email their agreement excludes them selling outside the US. I ordered an NXS from Australia, after waiting 6 months in Australia I ordered it from the Optics Planet, they cancelled the order with the cant sell outside the US, I must have a US address. Simple, Re did the order and sent it to our engine guy in the states and he sent the scope to me, 10 days later it arrived.

Only problem is, not everyone has a friend in the states, but doesnt stop us getting other brands like Bushnell and Clearidge etc. Even Ziess and SB can come over here easily.
You seem to be ignoring my questions Trev - at least I haven't seen any of them answered, until now.

If you go back a few months/weeks I did warn you that you would have a lot of trouble getting anyone in the US to ship Nightforce to Australia and explained the reasons why.

I would be interested to know if you managed to save any money on what it would have cost buying locally. Did you get a quote from QGE or HPGS or did you continue to base your reckonings on the price quoted by NVT??

There is no problem getting Leupolds in from the US at all. The problem comes from SOME retailers who have breached Leupolds policy and are selling internationally at less than the MSRP. If they sell at the correct price there is no issue - The Optic Zone is one business that has no trouble complying with the policy and providing an excellent international service, where Blue Bazooka and others were fragrantly profiteering and have suffered the consequences. Their sour grapes whinging has turned me and many others off buying anything at all from them.

Such is Life

Re: nikon scopes

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:44 am
by 500Nitro
HiWall wrote:
Trev wrote:It isnt an export issue, Its an issue the companies have with Leupold. Optics Planet told me via email their agreement excludes them selling outside the US. I ordered an NXS from Australia, after waiting 6 months in Australia I ordered it from the Optics Planet, they cancelled the order with the cant sell outside the US, I must have a US address. Simple, Re did the order and sent it to our engine guy in the states and he sent the scope to me, 10 days later it arrived.

Only problem is, not everyone has a friend in the states, but doesnt stop us getting other brands like Bushnell and Clearidge etc. Even Ziess and SB can come over here easily.
You seem to be ignoring my questions Trev - at least I haven't seen any of them answered, until now.

If you go back a few months/weeks I did warn you that you would have a lot of trouble getting anyone in the US to ship Nightforce to Australia and explained the reasons why.

I would be interested to know if you managed to save any money on what it would have cost buying locally. Did you get a quote from QGE or HPGS or did you continue to base your reckonings on the price quoted by NVT??

There is no problem getting Leupolds in from the US at all. The problem comes from SOME retailers who have breached Leupolds policy and are selling internationally at less than the MSRP. If they sell at the correct price there is no issue - The Optic Zone is one business that has no trouble complying with the policy and providing an excellent international service, where Blue Bazooka and others were fragrantly profiteering and have suffered the consequences. Their sour grapes whinging has turned me and many others off buying anything at all from them.

Such is Life

Hi Wall

That is the best explanation I was seen in writing. I just wish people would take note.

Re the Nightforce, Why would anyone in the US risk losing the Nightforce agency
on the basis of selling one scope to the US ?

Re: nikon scopes

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:47 pm
by Trev

What questions have you asked me? and as for the Nightforce, what post are you talking about. I can easily get NF scopes into Australia, just not legally and warranty supported as it must come from NF Australia, but now dont bother as the Australian dealers prices are very competitive. The first NXS i bought in was way cheaper than the Aussie price, But I had one on order form an Australian dealer and after 6 months of waiting and nothing but stupidity from NF Australia I bought one in.

Secondly, I know its easy to get Leupolds into Australia from TOZ, I have bought in three in the last 6 months. I have had orders cancelled from three other dealers in the states (in the last 3 months), The Optics Planet cancelled my last order (only one month ago) and gave me the reason that under their agreement with Leupold, dealers are not allowed to sell outside the US. That came from Optics Planet and one other dealer confirmed that. Im just going on what two US dealers have physically told me.

Re: nikon scopes

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:05 am
by GriMo
Trev wrote:HIWALL

What questions have you asked me? and as for the Nightforce, what post are you talking about. I can easily get NF scopes into Australia, just not legally and warranty supported as it must come from NF Australia, but now dont bother as the Australian dealers prices are very competitive. The first NXS i bought in was way cheaper than the Aussie price, But I had one on order form an Australian dealer and after 6 months of waiting and nothing but stupidity from NF Australia I bought one in.

Secondly, I know its easy to get Leupolds into Australia from TOZ, I have bought in three in the last 6 months. I have had orders cancelled from three other dealers in the states (in the last 3 months), The Optics Planet cancelled my last order (only one month ago) and gave me the reason that under their agreement with Leupold, dealers are not allowed to sell outside the US. That came from Optics Planet and one other dealer confirmed that. Im just going on what two US dealers have physically told me.

Okay, but your statement that "dealers cant sell leupy out of the US" is flawed. As some do/can. TOZ have been doing it for as long as i remember. And many on AV get scoopes shipped over all the time. Will it cause issues with warranty? Maybe. Are Nioa likely to offer support when if it craps itself? I would hope not. Can you get a better price on the from the states, as a general rule yes you can.

Everything in life has a tradeoff. I find it more of a kick in the teeth looking at the price of Wild Dog stocks then i do with Leupy products.

Re: nikon scopes

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:31 pm
by HiWall
Blue Bazooka don't sell Leupold scopes to anybody at all, Leupold have cut off their supply. Sure, they are listed on their website, at the MSRP (the same prices as listed by The Optic Zone), but there is no point listing a product when you hold NO stock.

Leupold didn't cut them off because they offered free shipping to Australia mate, they cut them off because they were selling them cheaper than the US MSRP - in short they were doing dodgy deals against the fair trading rules in the US. They are still doing so with other brands. You can buy from them if you want - I choose not too!

Jon at TOZ operates within the law and within Leupolds guidelines - he will not discount Leupold products outside these guidelines but does supply 'freebie' accessories as a bonus to some purchases - this is within the guidelines in question.

The other retailers (Optics Planet etc.) COULD do the same thing as TOZ, there is no guideline stating that Leupolds can not be sold Internationally by US based retailers (except for some models which require permission from the US Govt. to be exported to anybody at all). The fact is that if MOST retailers can't make extra (US) bucks through the 'grey' portion of the landed price in Australia they are simply not interested in going to the trouble of even buying extra postage stamps to put on the box - in their opinion Aussies can GAGF.

If you really want to save money hit eBay - there are plenty of back yard dealers there who will export to Australia - but you sure as hell aren't helping our importers or retailers provide cheaper products or better service by dealing with foreign backyarders.