As I have said before, the VX-III is a far superior product to the Vari-X III which, for example, does not have index matched lenses. The VX-III scopes have "up to" (don't you love marketing!) 98% total light transmission which is significantly higher than the Vari-X III's and even the Vortex range which quote 95% on their web site. I know I keep saying this but I want to be sure, because the review started off saying Vari-X III (as the one you had for sale) and then changed to VX-III part way through
I have checked and re-checked so this is the definitive answer to the above .. (i will amend the new review to ensure that it is all correct)
A. The Leupold I am comparing against is a Leupold Vari-X III 6.5-20x40
B. The VXIII reference was my lazy typing
C. The difference between a VXIII and a Vari X III is that :
Vari X III has a lens system which provides 92% light transmission
VX III has an indexed lens system which provides between 94% - 98% light transmission.
I again state that I have an arm load of Leupolds in the safe but I find that 94% - 98% spread a bit hard to swallow ... maybe I am cynical but I would read that to be 94% for the bulk and up to 98% if you fluke a better one ... (my interpretation of advertising speak)
I would rather they gave just a single figure ie 94% as its obviously the minimum. Rather than a broad guess type range. I have looked through everything from March scopes to chinese copies of copies and have found you always get one thats a bit better than the general run of that model here and there. Anyway thats just me..
The Vortex Viper has a 95% light transmission
So we are looking at a small difference each way but a difference none the less.
Hope this resolves that for you zzsstt.