G'day Wardy, you still got stock of these or making them, found out my 22 cal is too short to work properly in my 22-250AI I will need a new one so figure you may as well get the gig.
Camel wrote:G'day Wardy, you still got stock of these or making them, found out my 22 cal is too short to work properly in my 22-250AI I will need a new one so figure you may as well get the gig.
Camel wrote:G'day Wardy, you still got stock of these or making them, found out my 22 cal is too short to work properly in my 22-250AI I will need a new one so figure you may as well get the gig.
How long is the one you have?
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Buggered if I know mate, long enough to do 22 and 24 inch barrels with short actions, but not long enough to do one with a long action and 26 inch barrel.
barryb wrote: ↑Tue May 15, 2018 6:34 pm
not sure where's this is going - mine fitted no problems. don't have any 26"
Its going like this...........my old non-wardy cleaning rod is too short to do the job, so I need another one that is longer, it has since been ordered and Wardy, being the good bloke he is, will pop it into the transporter when he is ready.
Keachie, just measured my old rod, it is 36 inches from tip to tip of handle, so I guess, as most women think, another couple of inches wont go astray.
We will need another .22 appropriate cleaning rod once we bring the winnies home.
We do have a kit with a rod that can be dismantled, but the solid rod we have for the remington is much better - it's only barely long enough for that short barrel though, not long enough for the elegant featherweight
Might need to have one made, as I'd prefer to support a forum member.
Dunderi wrote: ↑Sun May 20, 2018 8:34 am
I think he was angling to relieve you of it
We will need another .22 appropriate cleaning rod once we bring the winnies home.
We do have a kit with a rod that can be dismantled, but the solid rod we have for the remington is much better - it's only barely long enough for that short barrel though, not long enough for the elegant featherweight
Might need to have one made, as I'd prefer to support a forum member.
Oh, sorry but I will continue using the old one for my other shorter barrels. I do have an older JIB plastic coated rod down there somewhere, but I think it has a male screwy end on it and nearly all the jags and brushes these days have male ends. Probably quicker and easier to get one at your gunshop.
Don't skimp on the cleaning rod - get a good quality one with ball bearing handle. Avoid those multiple pieces screw together rods - you don't want the joints in the rod being misaligned and scraping the bore. I would hazard a guess that (for the average joe shooter) more barrels are ruined by poor or no cleaning/oiling than being shot out. Been there.....
I think the gunslick rod would be fine, as are Dewey rods. I have a few Borestix.
And don't shoot without first patching oil out of the barrel either.
To make absolutely sure I don't forget to either patch out before shooting, or to clean and oil before putting away for a period longer than a week, I attach a tag to the bolt handle (an out of service tag from work) of a rifle that has been cleaned and an oily patch put through the bore for storage - it's very quick to put on or take off, and is very visual. Before I started doing this I left a rifle in the safe with a dirty bore for a few months because I thought I had cleaned it - obviously during the winter there was some dampness and the barrel is a bit worse for wear now (rust pitting) as a result.
You may well be all over this already but would hate to hear you had ringed the bore or pitted a barrel because we assumed you knew these things.
Dunderi wrote: ↑Sun May 20, 2018 10:44 pm
☆Will make Shaun read this in the morning☆
Onya Dunderi! Crack the whip on the lad!
Well yesterday after having put 20-30 rounds through his Remington, he just put it away.
I said if it was mine I'd probably clean it, or at least run an oily patch through it, since he doesnt know when he will likely fire it next, he said no need to clean until he's put maybe 80 rounds through - that it was just nicely 'shot in'.
IMHO it was very cool, and damp enough for dew to be forming on the grass down in the paddock, so I would have cleaned it.
Thoughts? (And yes I'm aware I totally just dobbed )