Walther UIT.

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Walther UIT.

Post by Curtley78 »

Thinking there was not much to do this weekend, I decided to take my little Walther out for a bit of practice and so headed out to Cecil Park to use the electronic targets and set up the new Kurt Thune sling.

Having arrived, needless to say, Murphy's law dictated that there wasn't a soul in sight and being somewhat disappointed, I decided that plan B just might prevail and as such I called St. Mary's indoor range to see if they were open and whether I could shoot prone.

Fortunately they were open and they were able to cater for such unorthodox oddity. Having arrived and signing in, I decided to trial the new line of Norma ammunition (which is actually just RWS) and setting myself up with the leather jacket, sling and the other attachments and than proceeding to lay on the floor, I than became the focal point and interest of numerous other shooters-namely Achmed and Muhammed that were both shooting Magnum sized calibers (and whose family members were sitting on the other side of the glass with iPhones in hand taking photos of some infidel dressed as if he should be riding a motorbike).

So there I was laying on the floor at St. Mary's rifle range, in what felt like an oven with sweat running down my back and what felt like some kind of exotic fashion parade. In between the sonic boom and percussion from Achmed and Muhammed and with timing my respiratory pause in between, I would than squeeze off the chambered round.

What a blinder, I shot some neat scoring groups and probably my highest score ever.

There's nothing better than a good day at the range!

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Re: Walther UIT.

Post by Glenn »

Well done mate!

That is an awesome target!

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Re: Walther UIT.

Post by Curtley78 »

Thanks Glenn,

I think the sonic booms actually improved my shooting. The group measures .555

I am somewhat impressed with the ammunition also. I had shot another 2 cards consisting of ten shot groups and that scored 100.7 and 100.8 and this was with a mid grade ammunition. I can barely wait for my next outing and to put the good stuff through it.

The final card was when I had made final adjustment to the new synthetic sling. It's surprising how "tension" on the sling affects POI and the way the rifle reacts.

I had intended to run the R-50 and than the electronic retrieval system malfunctioned on the depicted card.
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Re: Walther UIT.

Post by MISSED »

I really know nothing about range shooting and the different disciplines but that looks like a good group.
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Re: Walther UIT.

Post by curan »

MISSED wrote:I really know nothing about range shooting and the different disciplines but that looks like a good group.
A very good group.

Congrats Sean. You deserve to be happy with that effort.
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Re: Walther UIT.

Post by curan »

Looking at that photo again, I reckon with a bit of cropping I can see your new avatar Sean! 8)
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Re: Walther UIT.

Post by vicfox »

Very nice card indeed. I have a Walter KK Match being a fair bit older than yours but over the last 6 months I had a couple of mods done and fitted a tuner which all improver its accuracy and consistency. Shot a 20m and 50m BENCH personal best since so heading in the right direction. Looks like I'll have to try the ammo you mentioned. Mine likes Federal Match of the few I've tried.
Next trick will be a Weaver T36 which I think will be an improvement over what I'm using now.

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Re: Walther UIT.

Post by Curtley78 »

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Re: Walther UIT.

Post by vicfox »

Very nice . Looks like a shooter and the target proves it. YOU OBVIOUSLY SHOOT WELL TOO.
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Re: Walther UIT.

Post by Curtley78 »

G'day Vicfox,

Yes it's a shooter. It shoots better than what I can. I have my good days but generally I have more bad days in between. I am improving and like all things, I'm finding its persistence, learning from error and experimentation that gets you there in the end.
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