For those that know and are interested in acquiring one these secondhand machines...........
You would realise that they do not come up for sale very often and are so sought after
that if you had inquired of others in the past
- an asking price of $1,000 and upwards would be no surprise.
You may also be interested in this.
Hello all this is very interesting -- to be able to buy a new Juenke machine again -- i would like to know if there will be an Australian importer of these machines -- and when they will be available
john mc quire
I've spent the last year on and off developing my own but with a digital output.
It's interesting that these guys have gone with the approach of reproducing the original design but it kind of makes sense if you've got access to one of the original ones to reverse engineer.
Hi m12vip have you got your machine finnished and working yet -- are you going to make any more to sell -- how about a photo or two of your machine --
john mc
john mc wrote:Hello all this is very interesting -- to be able to buy a new Juenke machine again -- i would like to know if there will be an Australian importer of these machines -- and when they will be available
john mc quire
If they're only knocking out one a month, you don't need an Australian Importer, you need a miracle worker to get hold of one.
Last edited by aaronraad on Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
john mc wrote:Hi m12vip have you got your machine finnished and working yet -- are you going to make any more to sell -- how about a photo or two of your machine --
john mc
I did have grand plans initially but I've realised that a commercial version is out of my ability so I'm just aiming to put one together for myself. For a production version you have to look at the cost and logistics of manufacturing it as well as supporting it.
My first prototype worked better than I expected. I could easily detect both out of round and bullet to bullet variations in shape but I wasn't happy with the stability but that was really just an issue of EMF shielding.
I'm still reviewing the circuit design. I have a new ideas that I need to experiment with plus I need to wind up some properly shielded inductors.