Which Cal and Brand?

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Post by crowbuster »

I know this is an old thread & the choice has probably already been made, but I reckon the pump action remingtons in .308 would be just about perfect for getting stuck into a mob of pigs and/or goats. Mild recoil, accurate, fast repeat shots, easy to reload, lots of projectile options etc etc. You would be very happy with this choice & I have often thought of buying one myself, but unfortunately I no longer live near any pig country.
Posts: 1123
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:49 pm
Favourite Cartridge: 17Rem, 22.250AI, 308
Location: townsville qld

Post by woob614271 »

Love the 308; you can run anything from 110 to 200 grain projies, and handle just about anything in OZ
the Woob
ps. and they can be bloody accurate, too
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