G'day Woob,
thanks for the heads up, I dont need another scope yet, but I do prefer fixed scopes for their precision, but a quality variable is just soooooo nice to have at times!
Cheerio Ned
I have a 2.5-10X50 on my 270W. I have it on 2.5 most of the time. It is only when a long shot that allows time that I wind it up. A fixed power has advantages but say a fixed 6 and a pig jumps up 10 yards in fron then it is a bit hard to get a clear focus on it. On my 35 Whelan I have an Aimpoint reflex scope. No magnification but if you can see it just put the dot where it needs to be and you will nail it. For close in shots esp if game is running these Swedish sights are unbeatable, imho.
2.5-10x50 sounds like a good size for me. That's a wide range too (4x)!
I like fixed power scopes, but I'd feel limited without my variable. It's just nice to be able to select the right zoom for the terrain.