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Can I Bring my Guns?!

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:14 pm
by Druid

Allow me to introduce myself Gentlemen, (& Ladies?!).

I`ve on a reconnaissance mission from `the air rifle forum` at `the shooting section` in `the review centre`. :D (feel free to visit us one day you`d be very welcome!!)

Your `Fine and Respected Forum` has been recommeded to me by one of your countrymen as the `Very Best Place to Visit` on all infomation and advice relating to Air-Gunning in Australia. 8)

I am in the process of applying for emigration at the moment and I`m aware that there may be some issues surrounding my desire to come waltzing off the Aircraft with both my Multi Shot PCP`s under each Armpit?! :o

(A beautiful Air-Arms S4.10 and a equally gorgeous Webley Raider 10 both of .22 Calibre)

As I detect that this is possibly `a bit of a non-starter`, and may indeed provoke `a raised eyebrow or two` at Sydney Airport Customs:shock:
Can you suggest a less dramatic channel of exportation?

Any advice would be much appreciated,

Thanks Druid

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:54 am
by Chris L
G'day Druid,

We brought ours in from the US, and it was fairly painless.

Your main problem will be that you have no Oz licence, so they cannot come directly to you.

IIRC, you will need to get them sent to a dealer, and then transferred to you when you get your licence.

Where are you planning to move?

Chris L

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:23 pm
by astro
hi ya druid :wink:
AB here from review centre now known as astro :shock:

welcome and enjoy :D


Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:07 pm
by Druid
Thanks Chris!! (that`s very reassuring),

This sounds good :) as I can leave my guns here with my folks and get them to post them out later (after I`ve got myself a licience etc).

My 2 x PCP`s are both restricted to 12ft lbs at the moment (UK Limit) but hopefully someone out there will be able to `derestrict` them for me when they arrive 8) . (any ideas?!)

`CAN DO` Attitude :P "This feels like being back in OZ already!!! :D

Hi AB :D (Yeh Astros better mate). "Good ere innit?!" Once we`ve got the barbie going we could invite the gang over for a few beers and a bit of a yarn!? :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:43 pm
by kjd
Druid wrote:Thanks Chris!! (that`s very reassuring),

This sounds good :) as I can leave my guns here with my folks and get them to post them out later (after I`ve got myself a licience etc).

My 2 x PCP`s are both restricted to 12ft lbs at the moment (UK Limit) but hopefully someone out there will be able to `derestrict` them for me when they arrive 8) . (any ideas?!)

`CAN DO` Attitude :P "This feels like being back in OZ already!!! :D

Hi AB :D (Yeh Astros better mate). "Good ere innit?!" Once we`ve got the barbie going we could invite the gang over for a few beers and a bit of a yarn!? :lol:
Lewis from Beeman Australia will surely know how to de-restrict them mate! He is a living legend when it comes to air guns!

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:17 am
by astro
Hi AB :D (Yeh Astros better mate). "Good ere innit?!" Once we`ve got the barbie going we could invite the gang over for a few beers and a bit of a yarn!? :lol:[/quote]

you got a deal druid but it will be a long drive for me about 1500k's, i may have to stay for a while to make it worth it :D

i am glad that it may not be such an issue getting your ar's into the country

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:20 pm
by Chris L
You would be even more welcome if you brought over a few barrels from the Plassey Brewery 8)

Chris L

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:06 pm
by pest bird
Hi Druid

I would recomend to keep the scopes and mounts and sell the rest over there.

Then when you get to OZ and have your fire arms licence , contact Lewis and get a couple of his PCP air rifles. You need a fire arms licence for a 5fpe air rifle.

Lewis has some great Theobens, FX and Weirauch air rifles.

I did a couple shoots with Peter Parks a few years ago, he is a great bloke and we had a great time, I see he is still shooting FT over there.

p b

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:21 pm
by Lewis Reinhold
Paul's right as usual.Your precious airguns will be stopped by Customs to be 'Safety Tested".You don't want to know about that!
If they have silencers or even something that looks like one,you will have more trouble.
Besides,why have a 12FP airgun over here?All airguns are "firearms' and require a Fireams Licence.You may as well go the whole hog!