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Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:34 pm
by Yrrah
I have just received a few of this new pellet that the US based Predator International is having made in Hungary. They have gone through at least two development stages. I tested some earlier in the year which were 24+ gr. These have been modified somewhat and the weight upped to 26.2 gr..
My first test a couple of days ago was four 5 shot groups at 25 metres/ 28 yards. Two groups were shot from each of my BSA Hornets 30 fpe and 41 fpe.
These groups were not shot in true bench rest fashion but rather shot standing with a forward wrist rested on a pad on a cupboard and the rear elbow rested against a vertical wall. This position I often use to somewhat duplicate a very good field hunting situation where trees or posts may be well positioned for a stable support. The reaction of the more powerful rifle when fired at 41 fpe is noticeably greater than the less powerful Hornet.
The two 30 fpe 5 shot groups measure 0.28" and a very tight 0.13" or less centre to centre. A sight elevation change accounts for the separation of the two groups.
If you look closely at the zoomed image of the smaller 5 shot group you will see that the widest pellet marks overlap just on a half pellet or radius. That is a very small group!
The second two groups ( top and right groups) were shot with the more powerful JB OZ 1 BSA Hornet at approx 41 fpe / 840 fps.
These groups are not too shabby and it would be most unlikely that these results, from just two groups with each rifle, will be found to be the best ( or the worst ) at this range but they may be representative of what one could expect from the rifles used and perhaps other rifles of similar power.
The lead seems to be on the softer side which sometimes seems to allow pellets to do well from a range of different barrels. The weight is very consistent.
I am certainly now encouraged to proceed to longer range bench rest testing at 50 metres and to wind affected shooting when I can get to a range or back to the farm. Here at home 25 metres is the longest I can get.
Lewis has been sent a few of these ( probably still tied up with Customs

like the JSB consignment including the 18.1 gr heavy .22s I am sweating on ) so perhaps if you have a fairly powerful say 28 fpe+ rifle you may be able to con a few out of Lewis shortly.
Let me know if you find this of interest and if you have any suggestions for the tests I may run. ( If they hold up for accuracy to 50 metres I will do some longer range groups ). They are a hunting weight pellet so would be aimed at normal hunting ranges I guess .......
Wendy and I are just back from 5 weeks camping through the desert country around Cameron Corner, Cooper's Creek Coongie Lakes and Birdsville. Fabulous country full of interest.
Kind regards, Harry.
Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:24 pm
by RayG
Ah Harry you are always a treat when you discover yet another useful (Heavy) pellet.
The "Big Boys" would be definitely in my Hunting pellet line up if ever available here.
After talking to the Brits and the Yanks on pellets in general,I feel we are sadly starved for a good range in all the heavier pellets. No reflection on Lewis of course! Without him we would be literally blowin' in the wind for them. Customs being what they are I hope we see the JSB Heavys before christmas.
Please keep us in the loop with your research.
Cheers Ray.

Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:34 am
by Lewis Reinhold
Yrrah wrote:I have just received a few of this new pellet that the US based Predator International is having made in Hungary. They have gone through at least two development stages. I tested some earlier in the year which were 24+ gr. These have been modified somewhat and the weight upped to 26.2 gr..
My first test a couple of days ago was four 5 shot groups at 25 metres/ 28 yards. Two groups were shot from each of my BSA Hornets 30 fpe and 41 fpe.
These groups were not shot in true bench rest fashion but rather shot standing with a forward wrist rested on a pad on a cupboard and the rear elbow rested against a vertical wall. This position I often use to somewhat duplicate a very good field hunting situation where trees or posts may be well positioned for a stable support. The reaction of the more powerful rifle when fired at 41 fpe is noticeably greater than the less powerful Hornet.
The two 30 fpe 5 shot groups measure 0.28" and a very tight 0.13" or less centre to centre. A sight elevation change accounts for the separation of the two groups.
If you look closely at the zoomed image of the smaller 5 shot group you will see that the widest pellet marks overlap just on a half pellet or radius. That is a very small group!
The second two groups ( top and right groups) were shot with the more powerful JB OZ 1 BSA Hornet at approx 41 fpe / 840 fps.
These groups are not too shabby and it would be most unlikely that these results, from just two groups with each rifle, will be found to be the best ( or the worst ) at this range but they may be representative of what one could expect from the rifles used and perhaps other rifles of similar power.
The lead seems to be on the softer side which sometimes seems to allow pellets to do well from a range of different barrels. The weight is very consistent.
I am certainly now encouraged to proceed to longer range bench rest testing at 50 metres and to wind affected shooting when I can get to a range or back to the farm. Here at home 25 metres is the longest I can get.
Lewis has been sent a few of these ( probably still tied up with Customs

like the JSB consignment including the 18.1 gr heavy .22s I am sweating on ) so perhaps if you have a fairly powerful say 28 fpe+ rifle you may be able to con a few out of Lewis shortly.
Let me know if you find this of interest and if you have any suggestions for the tests I may run. ( If they hold up for accuracy to 50 metres I will do some longer range groups ). They are a hunting weight pellet so would be aimed at normal hunting ranges I guess .......
Wendy and I are just back from 5 weeks camping through the desert country around Cameron Corner, Cooper's Creek Coongie Lakes and Birdsville. Fabulous country full of interest.
Kind regards, Harry.
Thanks once again Harry.I'm pleased to hear the Big Boys have Harry's Seal of Approval!
I have a sample order of 90 tins that have just been released by Customs due in today I hope.
My Predator Polymag order of .177 , .20 and .22 will hopefully be released very soon.
The JSB shipment is being processed now.
Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:37 am
by Lewis Reinhold
RayG wrote:Ah Harry you are always a treat when you discover yet another useful (Heavy) pellet.
The "Big Boys" would be definitely in my Hunting pellet line up if ever available here.
After talking to the Brits and the Yanks on pellets in general,I feel we are sadly starved for a good range in all the heavier pellets. No reflection on Lewis of course! Without him we would be literally blowin' in the wind for them. Customs being what they are I hope we see the JSB Heavys before christmas.
Please keep us in the loop with your research.
Cheers Ray.

Hi Ray,
I'll get you a tin to try as soon as I receive.
I hope the JSB"s come in next week!!!!
I just received the new 2009 JSB Price List.I'm scared to have a look!
STOCK UP!!!!!!!!!
Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:31 am
by daisy
Those Big Boys sure look long. Will they fit an Excalibre magazine ? It will be interesting to see what effects the pointed end has at longer distances . I know you will be looking forward to finding out.
Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:28 am
by Yrrah
daisy wrote:Those Big Boys sure look long. Will they fit an Excalibre magazine ? It will be interesting to see what effects the pointed end has at longer distances . I know you will be looking forward to finding out.
No David, they are just a teeny bit too long for the Excalibre magazine unfortunately. I just tried. They are not hard to single load though, tried that. I am fairly practised at single loading the Excalibre as I did a lot of single loading with JSBs for target shooting a couple of years back thinking to eliminate yet another variable (the results were really no different ).....
Yes I will be keen to see what the longer range stability is like and the BC and how they handle the wind.
Kind regards, Harry.
Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:36 am
by fenring
Jesus, those are some serious slugs, lol. Also has to be the coolest pellet tin label I've seen in a while.

Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:50 am
by Yrrah
RayG wrote:Ah Harry you are always a treat when you discover yet another useful (Heavy) pellet.
Please keep us in the loop with your research.
Cheers Ray.

Thanks Ray. I get very focussed when a new pellet actually does show some promise

I know what you mean though about the plethora of pellets overseas.... but you know what? I am not the least bit envious because Lewis imports the best of the best for us. It's a bit like trout flies; you can do 99% of the fishing with just half a dozen tried and true patterns in a few sizes. Pellets are like that to me...
JSBs in different sizes and weights ( I have 7,500 18.1 gr on order from Lewis after I had the privilege of testing them for Josef ); Kodiaks when Lewis had/ can get them; CPs were great but I don't need them anymore as JSBs are better; Predator Polymags ( when Lewis gets his off the wharf ); and the Korean Eun Jins which I imported from Mac-1 Tim Mc Murray and which Lewis is trying to chase down for those of us with powerful rifles - these and some Beeman FTS/ H&N FTT are the pick of the bunch for me and Lewis carries/ will carry them all.
The best 10 m target wadcutters are H&N .177s in a couple of weights and the RWS R 10s etc are also available.
So I reckon we are not running with a handicap at all and should relax in the knowledge that we have the best for all facets of target and hunting....
Kindest regards, Harry.
Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:07 am
by Yrrah
Lewis wrote:
Thanks once again Harry.[*]I'm pleased to hear the Big Boys have Harry's Seal of Approval!
I have a sample order of 90 tins that have just been released by Customs due in today I hope.
My Predator Polymag order of .177 , .20 and .22 will hopefully be released very soon.
The JSB shipment is being processed now.[/quote]
[*]This is just a preliminary test Lewis but it does look promising for sound hunting accuracy for powerful rifles. Still, as we all know, until you try pellets in your own rifle you can never tell. I think these are aimed at rifles of 26 fpe + for hunting.
Sighted in at 43 yards from a 28.5 fpe rifle they should be within not much over an inch of the sight line out to 50 yards ( and also dead on at about 9 yards ). ....... that would be pretty good hunting set-up........ Kind regards, Harry.
Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:16 am
by RayG
daisy wrote:Those Big Boys sure look long. Will they fit an Excalibre magazine ? It will be interesting to see what effects the pointed end has at longer distances . I know you will be looking forward to finding out.
Hi Daisy,
That is one of the reasons I changed my AR,s over to Theobens. You can get a single shot tray as well as a good Mag for them,which covers the little differences in pellet length etc,as well as other advantages.

there,s wun!
Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:27 am
by RayG
[Quote Lewis]
Hi Ray,
I'll get you a tin to try as soon as I receive.
I hope the JSB"s come in next week!!!!
I just received the new 2009 JSB Price List.I'm scared to have a look!
STOCK UP!!!!!!!!!
Hi Lewis,
Thank you for the update on the Heavys and the Predators, the TTR1 .22 should now be only a week away and it will be an interesting try out session with the pellets in both .22 and .20 cals.
cheers Ray

Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:37 am
by Lewis Reinhold
RayG wrote:
Hi Ray,
I'll get you a tin to try as soon as I receive.
I hope the JSB"s come in next week!!!!
I just received the new 2009 JSB Price List.I'm scared to have a look!
STOCK UP!!!!!!!!!
Hi Lewis,
Thank you for the update on the Heavys and the Predators, the TTR1 .22 should now be only a week away and it will be an interesting try out session with the pellets in both .22 and .20 cals.
cheers Ray

I have the Big Boys!!!!!!!!
Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:43 am
by RayG
[Quote Harry]
It's a bit like trout flies; you can do 99% of the fishing with just half a dozen tried and true patterns in a few sizes. Pellets are like that to me...
I take your point Harry!
But that,s me I always get caught in the "Wow that looks interesting lets try it!" trap with pellets as you do with fishing lures,and to my cost over time I have discovered some very expensive garbage in pellets out there.
Be well. Ray.

Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:47 am
by RayG
Lewis Reinhold wrote:RayG wrote:
Hi Ray,
I'll get you a tin to try as soon as I receive.
I hope the JSB"s come in next week!!!!
I just received the new 2009 JSB Price List.I'm scared to have a look!
STOCK UP!!!!!!!!!
Hi Lewis,
Thank you for the update on the Heavys and the Predators, the TTR1 .22 should now be only a week away and it will be an interesting try out session with the pellets in both .22 and .20 cals.
cheers Ray

I have the Big Boys!!!!!!!!
Well it looks like I will have a great old plinking session with this new collection!

Re: Predator Big Boy .22 cal 26.2 gr Pellets
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:27 am
by ogre6br
Oh when
Oh when
Are we going to see these sort of pellets in .25 Cal??
Yrrah have you had any luck convincing JoseF to do a 32+ grain Exact with a really high BC in .25 cal yet??
I have a 48+ FPE Rapid MK11 ready and waiting to send to you so you can do - "product evaluation"- for JoseF
Thanks for the write up
Will have to look at scaring some more moths out of the wallet and seeing about a high powered .22 cal PCP-- Lewis whats the highest power PCPs you have in .22 cal right now? What FPE will a HW100 thumb hole do?
My gas ram HW-90 is doing 25 FPE with FTS-- do you think these heavies are worth a try in it?? or not enough grunt?