Well I finally got around to see if I could shoot a MOA group at 100 metres(109 Yards) with my FX .22 Gladiator(PA) using Beeman Kodiak 21 Grain Pellets.Scope used is a BSA"Platinum" 6-24x44 Mildot,a reasonable scope for the money.
The SSAA Para Complex Metallic Silhouette range is a great set up for this,but the range is set in a steep valley in the Adelaide hills and is the best wind funnel in the state (IMHO).
The winds here can drive a normally calm bloke almost into a frenzy.
Anyway with annoying head winds swinging between 10 0,clock to 2 0,clock keeping me busy and pellets flying all over the target, here is my first attempt.
Nine shots in all were made at the target,the first 5 shots are all below the POA and you can see by the spread of the shots that the headwind was a Doozy.
But when I got a bit of rare still air,I got a good surprise,the last 4 shots (6,7,8,9) were almost where I wanted them (Under 1 minute of angle). The POA is the Red circle on the rabbit head,(The outer ring is 1.5 Inches and the inner ring is .75 of an inch) The 3 shots in the target ring measure 0.89 Inch CTC. So for an off the cuff first attempt at Least I proved to myself that the potential is there in both air rifle,pellet and strangely me to shoot the under MOA group. [img]100%20metre%20Target[/img]
cheers all Ray.