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Trajectory,POA and groups.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:59 pm
by native hunter
G"day All
Today I decided I would duck out to a little patch of bunnies I know of and I thought that I would just check the zero of my R1 before I left.
I set up a bit of cardboard on the but and sat on the step off hand and put five into the target at about 13 mtrs, the group was good but a little low and left so I decided to get a lean of a big cardboard box that was sitting there and the result was a nice little one hole group for five shots, although a bit low.
Last time I used this gun at the range I shot it in to POA at 25mtrs, seeing it was centre vertical I thought that being a bit close(13mtrs) it may still be on the rise, I was happy at that so of I went.
when I pulled up there was three bunnies just lookin at me so I pulled up the car and shot from the window lean,First one at 25-30 mtrs I held dead on his head and pulled the trigger and it made an almighty smack but the bunny failed to sucumb and ran off but was very unsteady, with that I swung onto the next and repeated the same but this one hit the deck and was still kickin, I wanted the first one and he pulled up so I let one fly at him again only to miss and he bolted into the long grass, by the time I came back for the second bunny he was on his feet and hopped off with a very side winding step.
Result -no bunnies.!!!???
Now what Iam thinking is that my group I shot at home with a rest was the same situation as here but the shot should of been spot on, I think I held a bit low on the bunny and hit them both in the jaw and not in the brain box, I should have held at the base of the ear and not in the general middle of their head.
Anyone got any clues as to what is happening with the trajectory.
I am using FTS.
Do most find that their off hand POA is different to their rested POA.
I have attached a piccy of the said target with the rested and off hand 5 shot groups, as you can see the R1 will put them in the right place if you do your part.
Any comment gladely accepted.
Damien webb.

Re: Trajectory,POA and groups.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:33 pm
by Yrrah
native hunter wrote:G"day All
I set up a bit of cardboard on the but and sat on the step off hand and put five into the target at about 13 mtrs, the group was good but a little low and left so I decided to get a lean of a big cardboard box that was sitting there and the result was a nice little one hole group for five shots, although a bit low.
Last time I used this gun at the range I shot it in to POA at 25mtrs, seeing it was centre vertical I thought that being a bit close(13mtrs) it may still be on the rise, I was happy at that so of I went.
...............,First one at 25-30 mtrs I held dead on his head ............... the next and repeated the same but this one hit the deck and was still kickin, I wanted the first one and he pulled up so I let one fly at him again only to miss,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Result -no bunnies.!!!???
....................Anyone got any clues as to what is happening with the trajectory.
I am using FTS.
Do most find that their off hand POA is different to their rested POA.
................Any comment gladely accepted.
Damien webb.
Damien, I figure that to be dead on at 25 m / say 28 yards, your rifle and pellets should be hitting dead on or a tad high at 13 m.

To be dead on at 30 m I reckon you should be about 0.2 inches high at 13 m...... If I am close to the money then you are most probably correct, you smacked them low in the jaw. ....... With the zero at 13 m you show us in the picture, I doubt that your pellet ever got up to your line of sight before it was dropping and could have been a good inch low at 30 m, which is not where you wanted it to be ...........

Perhaps sight in again dead on at 13 m and see where you are at 25 metres again.

And yes, with a springer you will find a different POI rested to off hand...

Kind regards, Harry.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:40 pm
by native hunter
Thanks Harry
I will re sight in tomorrow and then have another crack at the bunnies.
By the way I love your work.!!!
Damien Webb.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:31 pm
by Yrrah
native hunter wrote:Thanks Harry
I will re sight in tomorrow and then have another crack at the bunnies.
By the way I love your work.!!!
Damien Webb.
Damien, I just assumed your R1 is a .22 and shoots about 16 fpe or 700 fps with the 14.7 gr pellets.......... KR, Harry.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:52 am
by native hunter
Harry-Its a .20 cal and has been tuned by Lewis.
Damien Webb.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:27 am
by Yrrah
native hunter wrote:G"day
Harry-Its a .20 cal and has been tuned by Lewis.
Damien Webb.
OK in that case if you zero at 13 m you might be dead on again at say 30 m and 0.30" high at 22 m and about an inch low at 40 m with those pellets. ................. Still it all depends upon your hold and the rifle's response to you. You and the rifle can obviously shoot judging by those groups! ............. Let me know........ Kind regards, Harry.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:06 pm
by native hunter
Shot it at 20 mtrs today and it was spot on.
I also ran it over the chronograph to see what goin on there and these were the following ten shots in FPS-
Shot 2 feet from the chrony.
Thats a 15 FPS spread over ten shots and average around 815 fps.
I definitel held to low on them bunnies yesterday, today I will aim for the butt of the ear.
Damien Webb.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:23 pm
by ant

I dont rest mine any more. Just of the shoulder and zero at 25m. Still using the JSBs with good results

Have a good Christmas

Ant :twisted:

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:41 pm
by Lewis Reinhold
What pellet were you using for those figures?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:56 pm
by native hunter
Lewis- they were Beeman FTS.
Does all sound OK to you Lewis.?
Damien Webb

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:14 pm
by Lewis Reinhold
It's about 17FP.I predelivered a new R9 .20 the other day and it had an oversize bore.FTS asnd Silver Bear were quite loose and did not perform.JSB however,was much tighter in there and shot at much higher energy and consistency.
Try some JSB's in there Damien.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:33 pm
by native hunter
No worries Lewis I will do that.
I am getting down to my last tin of FTS and I will ring you soon to get some more and also some JSB.
Merry christmas mate and all the best for the new year.
Damien Webb

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 7:59 pm
by Lewis Reinhold
native hunter wrote:No worries Lewis I will do that.
I am getting down to my last tin of FTS and I will ring you soon to get some more and also some JSB.
Merry christmas mate and all the best for the new year.
Damien Webb
THanks Damien.
Your R1 should have enough grunt to drive the JSB's.

Re: Trajectory,POA and groups.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:12 am
by native hunter

Re: Trajectory,POA and groups.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:39 am
by Lewis Reinhold
native hunter wrote:still
Glad to hear that!