group sizes between different rifles

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group sizes between different rifles

Post by Predator »

Hey guys

Since I only have one air rifle and patiently waiting for my second, I have a question for those of you with more experience:

How much do your groups vary between rifles?

Do you find that if you shoot with one air rifle and switch to another your groups would be very similar or quite different...? (presuming you know its hold)

And do you think this would be a test of your own skill or a test of a rifle's accuracy?

I know there won't be a simple answer here, so lets hear your thoughts and theories, If anything it may get people posting more ;)
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Post by HAIR BEAR »

Been thinking of this all day , but there would be to many variables , in threory both rifles would shoot and group well , but then you could start with wear and tear , quality of A/Rs in use (Beeman verses say "x" brand china ) ,your own confidence in either A/R , we tend to use what we like , you won't use some thing you don't , so skill/knowlege would favour group size in favored A/R

But i do belive if you use them for what each was made for! they would prove them selves
eg you would not use a 6 fpe A/R to shoot critters at 30 metres , nor would you use a 25+fpe to shoot mice in the house :D

Mate too much to think about ! might let some one with better intelligence answer :D

Think i just confused my self

Post by ChrisPer »

Its simple.

1) Shoot rifle A for group.
2) Shoot rifle B for group.
3) Subtract actual performance from your expectations.
4) Lie your ass off rather than admit you are that bad a shot. :roll:
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Post by RayG »

I would go for 1,2 & 4 in that proposal! :roll: :)

Post by samthedog »

I think that unless you are shooting pcp's only your performance will be affected. I shoot the mfr all the time and this makes me a lazy shooter. I mean it's so easy, no recoil and pinpoint accuracy. Then I change to my HW80 and all of a sudden all my little bad habits are magnified. Yet I can shoot a HW100 straight after mfr (having never fired one before) and consistently be getting half inch groups at 40 yards. I think to expect anything different is unrealistic.

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