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What a difference pellet types make.!!!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:17 pm
by native hunter
G"day All
I have been just about at the end of my patience with my R1 as it had a minor hiccup recently and had to go back to the docter to get looked at, prior to that I was unable to get it to group consistently even though I had tried several different pellets.
Well it came back to me last week and today I got a chance to put her through her paces and see if it will group better.
I first tried Beeman ram jets and it was terrible and would not hold better than an inch and a half , so I tried crow magnums and the result was a bit better but well and truely short of what I knew it could do, as they were the only two pellets I had with me at the range I decided to duck home and open a brand new pack of FTS I had sitting there, well I knew from experience that these were the pellet that shot well in most air arms and they did not disapoint on this occasion either, it was a bit breezy at the range today and the results show that, but overall I am happy with the result.
The crow magnums will be going to the tip and I will be stocking up on FTS.
It just goes to show how many people must just buy one type of pellet and just shoot it and never really experience the full potential of their air arm, I mean these are no real brilliant groups but there good enough for me with a bit of wind thrown in.
PS- one of them groups went first four into .109 and was blown out to.394 with the last shot.
Target was shot from sighter anti clockwise.
Damien Webb.Image

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:33 pm
by Lewis Reinhold
Exactly right Damien! Your R1 may not like Ramjets or Crow Magnums but I'll guarantee there are plenty others that will.Generally,the CM is regarded as an expansion/hunting pellet that will actually turn itself inside out and double in diameter but we recommend keeping distances under 30M.
FTS is a staple pellet for most airguns.If they don't work,look elsewhere for problems.
Nice groups!
PS All airguns can give trouble.They haven't made the perfect one yet.It may be of interest to learn that yours is the very first R1 to come back with a problem to me.
Anyway.I'm glad it's shooting well again.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:09 pm
by ant

Have you tried the JSBs in the R1?
If your off tommorrow come over to Grafton and we can try them out
Ant :twisted:

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:04 pm
by native hunter
G"day Ant
I have tried the JSb's and they shot well but I have run out of them, only had a few left from the HW97.
I am plenty happy with the FTS and will stick with them.
I am working tomorrow and the next few sundats but after that I will make an effort to get there.
I have just had the mum and bro & sis her for a week so I was tied by the hands and could not get away.
Damien webb.
PS Ive got another Annie in the wings and will bring her down when I get it.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:03 am
by ant
As you well know all toys are welcome.
Ant :twisted: