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FT world champs NZ. September 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:17 pm
by greyskull
As you might be aware, the WFTF World Champs are being held in Wellington NZ from 4th to 7th September 2014.

This is the ideal time to get some Aaustralian entries in and make a first attendance as a team.

If your National body has not already informed you, the sign up page is:


You can contact me direct for any further information regarding bringing in your rifles etc. It is better to sign up early and avoid getting caught out with the red tape at the last minute. Having said that, Australian laws around air rifles being what they are, if you hold approval in your own country a visitor's Licence is a virtual certainty (PCP rifles only, springers have no restrictions or entry requirements).

kind regards

Re: FT world champs NZ. September 2014

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:54 pm
by uncakikki
We're coming Adam. Our team has already been proposed and I am just waiting for our final approval from national. There will be Aussies there mate.

Re: FT world champs NZ. September 2014

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 4:20 pm
by greyskull
Awesome Chris!!!

The South African team have just been sorted as well.

Between the Australian and South African teams, there are the two closest cultural bonds I can think of to New Zealand.

This is truly turning out to be a mainly Southern Hemisphere competition. I'm chuffed about this, even if we don't reach the hundreds of entrants the Northern Hemisphere gets, it was always going to be vital we have this downunder so we could get some experience for our shooters who would normally not travel.

I'm buzzing about your news Chris! Thanks.


Re: FT world champs NZ. September 2014

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 2:42 pm
by greyskull
I have a really good toll call plan to Aus, if you PM me your phone number I can call you direct if you have any further queries about getting here with your guys for September.
