The two sub half inch groups # 3 and # 9 are still the only two such of 5 shots I have managed. The pellets were weight matched for all groups in the session.
The average c-t-c of the whole eleven target groups is 0.923 inches or 0.882 MOA .
The average of the nine on paper is 0.928 inches or 0.886 MOA. Six of the 11 groups are 1.0" or better.
The furthest pellet edge from the centre of the POA is 1.0 inches ( # 1 target on paper ). That means that the forty five shots on paper would have all touched a 2.0 inch circle. The two groups on the plough disc were aimed at different places so cannot be incorporated.
Conditions were near ideal but the flag did waver this way and that which is how it always is when the air is said to be "stable". Consequently groups tend to wander from place to place even though each stays tight ( providing the shots are made quickly to follow each other in any given group ). I find it is easier to hit a given mark consistently in a light but constant air flow from one or other side ( rather than head or tail ).
I never fail to find interest in all this and to wonder about the future implications in the air rifle scene.... Hope you find some interest too. Air rifle is a BSA .22 PCP and JSB Exact pellets from the Czech Republic. ..... Kind regards Harry.