BSA Hornet .22 on International rimfire target Sunday

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BSA Hornet .22 on International rimfire target Sunday

Post by Yrrah »

I shot again at Sutherland Smallbore Club on the International 20 shot 50 metre target on Sunday for a score of 195/200 with 9 centre Xs so 195.9 ; see official score at bottom of target.
The coins are US 10c left and OZ 5c right for reference.
I shot a sequence of left to right top row, right to left next row, then L to R, then R to L bottom row.
There was a light but variable breeze and it took me two rows, 10 shots to get the gist. But I was very happy with the last nine shots that netted seven centre Xs with a 50.5 for the last row.
The BSA JB OZ 1 was shooting the 18.1 gr JSBs straight from the tin, they were of 2009 vintage shot at about 38 fpe. From the tiny 125 cc reservoir it gets 26 full power shots from 250 bar fill.
This was just two Xs less than the 195.11 that I posted some time ago shot with the lower powered 28 fpe Hornet BSA. I recall the condition were more even that day.

The target can be expanded for better view of the X ring.
I use rice filled bags not a mechanical front rest. Each shot required the rifle to be moved for the next shot and the unique BSA MMC button cocking system to be set.
I think it is harder to consistently hit tiny marks like this at 55 yd 50 m than to shoot decent 5 or 10 shot groups (or 20 shots in this case). In any case that was a lot of potental eye shot bunnies the BSA is capable of.

I think I have mentioned that the FX Crown has shot 206 rabbits to date and a 0.475 inch 100 yd 5 shot group. I will get around to posting a report on the Crown. It shoots a number of the best .25 pellets very well including 25.9 gr Kings, 33.9 gr Mk 1 and 11 JSBs, 26 gr Polymags and H&N Baracuda 31 gr. I don't have much use for other pellets.
Enough for now, hope you appreciate the target. ... kind regards, Harry.
Last edited by Yrrah on Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: BSA Hornet .22 on International rimfire target Sunday

Post by Yrrah »

NOTE: You can expand the target pic to see it better.
I have not figured how to edit my posts. ... Harry. (Now I HAVE) .
Last edited by Yrrah on Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BSA Hornet .22 on International rimfire taget Sunday

Post by daisy »

Nice shooting with the OZ 1.
Does your FX Crown have the Smooth-twist barrel ?
I haven't been doing much shooting. I must strip down the Excalibre and do the o rings. It has a slow leak from somewhere.
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Re: BSA Hornet .22 on International rimfire target Sunday

Post by MISSED »

Nice shooting Harry the "unigue" mmc on our Hornet is getting noticeably easier to cock with use.
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Re: BSA Hornet .22 on International rimfire target Sunday

Post by Yrrah »

David, the Crown has a new FX smooth twist X barrel full length rifling impressed from the outside of the liner, 5 grooves. I also have the barrel that was bent 20 degrees by Australia Post when the rifle came. It left from Hermanns in perfect condition..
I had that barrel cut off at the bend, straightened I think, and re- machined to fit the thimble etc. It shoots fine too.

I gave the Excalibre a run recently. It still shoots sub inch at 100 yd in best conditions and the occasional 1/4" at 50 yd. They are nearing a 20 yr old design (FX 2000) and still nothing else seems to have noticeably better accuracy. There must be a lot of them lying around Aus with O rings needing replacement and not being shot. Best regards, Harry.
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Post by Yrrah »

I just put 6 shots over the Labradar chronograph with those 18.1 gr pellets.
1013, 1010, 1013. 1012, 1011, 1013. ... :roll:
Some would know my preference for 850 to 880 fps and my reasons.... but:

Looking at the 50 m target it is obvious that the velocity did not vary much. That is a tribute to John Bowkett's excellent regulator. Otherwise I can only think that that wonderful BSA hammer forged barrel together with the minimal velocity variation combine to keep pellet instability to a minimum over those first 25 or so yards until the velocity has dropped.
The figures from the Labradar at 23 yards were from 890 to 894 fps.
The rifle is also fairly heavy and hammer strike is light for the power, so lack of appreciable barrel jump during the shot is also a factor. The rice bags, rather than a machine rest, could also help. Deliberate follow through is a given.
I paid a biased attention to the nearest of the two flag ribbons the range has in each lane and tried to shoot when they showed least angle from the breeze. ...
Well at least for this rifle and those pellets I might leave it alone at 41+ fpe for a while. That is a lot of power for a .22 but it also shoots the new revised 25.4 gr JSB .22s at 46.5 fpe/ 908 fps and the Piledrivers at 48 fpe/ 850 fps. ... l love these BSA Hornets made when BSA was still BSA!
Regards to all. ... Harry.
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Re: BSA Hornet .22 on International rimfire target Sunday

Post by curan »

Harry! I'm so pleased to see you posting again mate!

Nice to hear JB Oz1 is still going well. I haven't shot my hornet much lately (once this year), but I smile a lot when I do!

I hope you are still in good health, and look forward to more posts.

Cheers, curan (Wayne)
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