Are you out there GriMO .. for you.. and others interested

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Are you out there GriMO .. for you.. and others interested

Post by Yrrah »

Are you out there GriMO .. for you.. and others interested in wind deflection and why the wind of a given speed does not blow a projectile off course at the same velocity as the wind itself.

I forgot about the other part to GriMo's question for a reading reference in relation to Lag time and wind deflection ....

... GriMo... "One other thing that i was trying to understand was the "lag" effect of a pellet in the wind? It didn't really make sense to me at the time with the whole comparison to pellets in a vacuum or in the air etc. Do you have any recommended reading in regards to that ? "..

So here is one reference that is easily accessed in the Sierra bullet manual, It is probably the most straight forward I could find and has a worked example.

Did you pick up on the stuff in this post below and was it helpful?

Did you get registered to "Chairgun"?

Kind regards, Harry.
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Post by GriMo »

sorry, ahrry, my pc crapped out the other day so ive been trying to read when ive been at work. all is fixed now so ill have a read later tonight. cheers muchly for that mate ; )
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