shooting under 1/2 MOA at 100m but 1moa AT 700m?

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shooting under 1/2 MOA at 100m but 1moa AT 700m?

Post by lee_enfield223 »

Hi All ok I have a problem that I am sure gets us all thinking, it is my rifle shoots .4 MOA all day long at 100m with 75gr berger vld's in a rem223 But at 300m and 700m I am only getting 1moa, it's built up on an Ultimatum action, and I have chronographed the load and am getting 2844fps to 2856fps over 10 shots ,now thats 12fps with my reloads. I have tried full length sizing my winchester brass and neck sized only, all my loads are within 1/10th of a grain ,yes I have three different scales and they are all pretty close to the same reading, I weighed the brass and projectiles and the bergers are top notch ,needless to say I don't weigh bergers anymore, last of all I checked and fixed up my primer pockets and flash holes. But I am still getting this elevation problem ????? I thought that it might be neck tension ? any Idea's besides turning the necks ?
The bottom picture called silver mountain targets is at 700m and the middle one is at 300m,,also there's LOTS of wind as you can see from both targets.
The reason I have posted this question here on varminting rifles is because I think this affects all our rifles and I am after idea's.
20171127_193909 gif.gif
20171127_193909 gif.gif (141.81 KiB) Viewed 744 times
300m 75gr berger gif.gif
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Re: shooting under 1/2 MOA at 100m but 1moa AT 700m?

Post by kickinback »

What’s the measurement between 20 and 12.

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Re: shooting under 1/2 MOA at 100m but 1moa AT 700m?

Post by lee_enfield223 »

Each grid line is about 1MOA so the measurement between 20 and 12 is about 1.5moa or about 11 inches or 225mm at 700m also the 300m target bull is about 3.5 inches 87mm
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Re: shooting under 1/2 MOA at 100m but 1moa AT 700m?

Post by Seddo »

If you ask me 100m isn’t a distance to test ammo. Do your load development at 200-300 and see if your load is different to the one you chose based on 100m Groups.

When you shoot a 223 at distance it doesn’t take a lot on wind to throw it around. I would be more worried about the vertical than the windage.

What does the range look like? Flat or bumpy?
Which direction was the wind coming from? Fish tailing wind in front or behind you sux.
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Re: shooting under 1/2 MOA at 100m but 1moa AT 700m?

Post by 204 Hunter »

Might be worth testing on a calm day to see how it goes.
Try varying seating depths if the velocity you are running is a known node for that weight projectile.
Agree with Seddo - further out for testing if that's where you want to shoot.
I shot my 204 with different projectiles at 100 yds recently and there was nearly 200 fps difference but it only gave about 10mm vert.
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Re: shooting under 1/2 MOA at 100m but 1moa AT 700m?

Post by lee_enfield223 »

Thanks guys, I shoot mostly at malabar/anzac range in southern sydney,there's LOTS of wind and fishtail and reading the flags is tricky , I shot my 308 last Saturday at 300m and shot my first three shots into 25mm, then the wind changed and my height and windage went all over the place, plus I have been watching guys shoot their 6.5 Creedmoors and hot 6.5's and they are having the same problems, so I think that maybe the rifle and loads are ok. But as stated they might need more testing at long range.
Here's a picture of the range at 700m
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Re: shooting under 1/2 MOA at 100m but 1moa AT 700m?

Post by mistit »

As seddo said , with my class gun years ago all my testing began at 300 m
With my varmint gun 200 yds to start with then I'll shoot a couple of groups at 400 yds
I've found that 100 yds is never a true measure of how a gun will shoot at long range
Also a chrony is important if doing load development at 200-300 m the further out you go the more important the extreme spread of velocity

Matt from lrp said to me years ago pick 3 of your best 300 m loads then in good conditions shoot them at 800 and pick the best one , I had loads that shot similar at 300 but one was better by a 1/4 Moa at 800

Shot in dead still conditions
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