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Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:39 pm
by Keachie
Just thought I try and might spark a bit of conversation about round useage

Such as, from past experience I have no issue with going to a range and burning through a hundred rounds.

But Dunderi has said she has only really done "home/paddock" range and would go through like 10 - 20 (normally sparked by the sight of a rabbit)

How do you guys "practice"?

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Re: Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:53 pm
by trevort
I don't anymore. I shoot at targets to check sights and whack a gong every now and again because pulling the trigger is fun! but wouldn't call it practice

But I taught quite a few kids and a couple of adults to shoot very accurately off a portable bench but they weren't very good off the ute out spotlighting where most of our shooting is done. Lots of critters heard a loud bang before escaping.

So I pulled the ute up 100m from the target during the day and got the trainees to get up on the ute to learn the way they would be using in the paddocks. Could show them to lean forward so the cabin supported their body, how to support the butt so it wasn't bouncing of the hand rail etc. It was amazing how that improved results and enjoyment. Some training to replicate the way you will shoot in the field

Re: RE: Re: Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:51 pm
by Keachie
trevort wrote:I don't anymore. I shoot at targets to check sights and whack a gong every now and again because pulling the trigger is fun!
I tried to leave the word fun out of it but yeah there is that to

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Re: Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:08 pm
by Camel
No practice here, just the same as Trev, though I spose you could say that all those years shooting rabbits professionally, I got a lot of practice. :D

Re: Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:10 pm
by kjd
I don't like going to the range. I like shooting reactive targets but usually 10-20 rounds of centrefire does me. On a 22lr I'll happily shoot hundreds though.

As far as practice goes, I probably should but I don't. It's been a long while since I've had a shot actually. The weekend after next!

Re: Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:18 pm
by billsshed
I do not practice to much either. Might take the spot light rifle out to the bench, in the paddock,the day before to check the zero but that is it. At 50+ rounds a night is more than enough for my needs.
I too take new starters out in the ute and get them to shoot as if we were out in the night. Works well.


Re: Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:19 pm
by mick_762
As the main small arms coach for the school, i get to shoot as many rounds of 5.56mm lasers as i book in for.

I generally coach the students then lay down and practice my own shooting.
Both master and non master hand.

I love a good range session so being a competitive rifle sjooter helps as well.

As for hunting, my rifles get zeroed, then used. An occasional trip to the range for a bit of fun with mates.

Re: Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:25 pm
by macca
Too many in the old days.
As an example I wore out a 308 barrel in practice before i walked the second barrel out to a 1000 yards on game. Ditto for several other calibers.
Time constraints have reduced my range visits to a bare minium nowadays. A trip away will usually see several hundred center fires expanded.
I put 100 22lr through at the SSAA on Saturday and fifty 204 22-250 and 7mm for some load tuning (new powder batches ).
You have to have a hobby :D .

Re: Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:48 pm
Not enough practice for me with two junior shooters pushing me out of they way I am lucky to get a shot away nowadays.


Re: Sittin here waiting on a deer, wasting bullets

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:13 pm
by sometime shooter
I do love a good day shooting F Class especially out to 1000 yards. As Mick said hunting rifles get zero'd and shot at critters. Love shooting Queens and lead up's so couple of hundred 308 expended at range is a good time. Shooting game at 500 M with no wind flag's is another matter.