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An old scope on an old rifle

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:11 pm
by Branxhunter
Way back in the day dad bought himself his first "flash" rifle - a Voere .22. As a young bloke he used it to shoot thousands of rabbits, and a couple of rings in the bore.

When I got into shooting in my early teens the Voere became my rifle, while my brother had an old ex-Cadets Stirling .22. Grandpa had smashed half the rear sight off the Voere so I saved up and bought a 4x40 Tasco (made in Japan) and some steel Nykron mounts.

On the weekends my brother and I would head off from home just after lunch with our rifles, a box of Powerpoints each, and our posse of Mini Foxies. Back then you could find rabbits just by walking across the hills and through the tussocks in the valleys. The old rifle was never particularly accurate beyond 30-40m but there were plenty of targets so,it didn't matter.

These days the old rifle is still in the safe but has been relegated to orchard duty and teaching the kids. I managed to pick up an old 2-7x Kahles, with 2x proving perfect for the mostly close range shots at fruit stealers. I found some since solid steel Burris rings and spent a bit of time with a file, then my 1" lapping bar wrapped in emery paper until the old scope snugged right in.
Zeroing it in with Cheapy Rem bucket o' bullets it proved to be a little more accurate than I was expecting - might have to investigate a bit further.


Re: An old scope on an old rifle

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:22 pm
by crackers17
Looks like a nice old rifle... safe queen I say

Re: An old scope on an old rifle

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:32 pm
by The Raven
Lovely family heirloom piece, hang on it!

Re: An old scope on an old rifle

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:46 pm
by fenring

Re: An old scope on an old rifle

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:22 pm
by LoneRider
nice one BH,looks like she could be a good shooter.
try floating the barrel.
an easy fix for a granny my ol mossy.


Re: An old scope on an old rifle

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 1:29 am
by 223 fanboy
Keep the family history alive by using it.
A rifle like that shouldn't be a safe queen.