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My Model 1574 Anschutz in 222 Rem

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:57 pm
by Dutchy357
Hi Guys

This is my Varminting rifle.

I must have had it for 40 years.

It is an Anschutz Model 1574 in 222 Rem. It has a 4 round detachable box magazine and is topped with a Leupold 4-12 X 40 variable scope on Weaver mounts. I have made sure the barrel is free of the woodwork. I don't have a trigger gauge, but the trigger is sweet.

I believe that the action is actually by Krico, barreled and distributed by Anschutz. I have never bench rested it, but sighting it in, in the field prior to a hunt once, I put 3 factory rounds in to the target at 100 yards and I was able to completely cover the 3 holes with a 2 cent coin. Good enough for me.

I have taken feral cats, foxes, feral goats, kangaroo's (with permit), red deer and fallow deer (all the deer with head shots) with it.



Regards Dutchy

Re: My Model 1574 Anschutz in 222 Rem

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:34 pm
by Flip
Nice rig. When you know your rifle and have confidence in your ability with it the shots become that much easier.

Cheers for the pics


Re: My Model 1574 Anschutz in 222 Rem

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:47 pm
by Knackers
Lovely looking rifle and very well cared for by the look of it. :wink:

Re: My Model 1574 Anschutz in 222 Rem

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 7:15 pm
Lovely looking rifle and in a great cartridge.

That is a very nice looking bit of timber under that lacquer

Re: My Model 1574 Anschutz in 222 Rem

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:06 pm
by trevort
I reckon if you sent that stock to the Yass wood whisperer you would find some really decent grain hiding under that varnish just yelling to get out

Re: My Model 1574 Anschutz in 222 Rem

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 8:34 pm
by Dutchy357
Thanks for the comments guys

@Flip I'm a bit rusty right now!

@Knackers It's got a few scratches, but all from honest use.

@MISSED & trevort It is a lovely piece of wood. I'm not really a fan of varnish but that's how it came. I don't have the skills to alter it so I have left it alone.

I have a Harris bipod for it but have never fitted it. Because it has such a fine for end I was worried about it pulling the anchor out or splitting the stock. I am in the process of making a separate bipod/shooting stick for it, see how that goes.


Re: My Model 1574 Anschutz in 222 Rem

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:02 pm
by Branxhunter
Nice looking rifle there Dutchy. Soon as I saw the photo I thought "that sort of looks like an Anschutz", when I read about the Krico angle it all made sense.

Here is a link to a post and a photo of my Anschutz .222.



Re: My Model 1574 Anschutz in 222 Rem

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:21 pm
by Knackers
trevort wrote:I reckon if you sent that stock to the Yass wood whisperer you would find some really decent grain hiding under that varnish just yelling to get out
I like that, "The wood whisperer" :wink: