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Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:58 pm
by mick_762
Seeing rifles like these for sale to a "Select Few" who have either of Cat C/D licenses gives me the shits, especially when I had to hand in an M1 and a SPAS12.

End of Rant, not that it was much of one.


Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:19 pm
by Seddo
The M1 is very tempting, I'm doing my best to let it go.

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:32 pm
by adamjp
Had one of them.

Harrington and Richardson, mint condition, made in 1953 IIRC.

and a few others I couldn't be trusted with anymore.

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:08 pm
by mn1863

Titles wrong should be damn you john Howard.....Bryant was just the excuse the toe rag got to use to see his own personal agenda through.

And I miss my semi autos and pump shotgun too. How I would like another Browning Bar and A5 and 22 takedown.

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:28 pm
by Camel
I must be the only one that doesn't give a shit that I lost my semi autos, 10/22 Ruger, meh, wasn't that accurate and very wasteful. Ruger Mini 14 Ranch rifle in 222, meh, hated scrambling around trying to find all my good Sako and Norma brass, wasn't that accurate either. Winchester 1500 XTR 12ga 3 shot semi in brand new condition, meh, don't like duck shooting that much, if I want a feed I used to head shoot them off the dam with the 22.

Good bits about the whole buyback was I got more cash than I payed for all of them, three empty spots in the gun safe, (yes I had one then so didn't have to buy one), ended up getting 5 rifles that were more suited to me at the time, along with heaps of dies, projectiles and cases to reload with. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. :D

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:39 pm
by adamjp
Camel wrote:Good bits about the whole buyback was I got more cash than I payed for all of them...
That is very true.

I would have sold them by now, although the Remington 1100 would probably still have a place in the safe. Maybe the Mossberg 590 too?

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:24 pm
by Seddo
Plenty of mates miss their BAR's for deer shooting. Personally I only had a 22 but was lining up to buy a mini 14 or AR15 to shoot ipsc rifle matches with when the shit hit the fan.

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:07 pm
by Ol 55
Yep I had a few MISS em all.

Ol 55

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:09 pm
by kjd
Yeah but look at it now.. 10/22's have huge amounts of aftermarket accessories to accurate them.. There are plenty of AR15's available that can shoot moa or less.

They are hell fun and you can use shotguns for much much more than duck shooting and 5 or 8 shots are better than 2..

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:07 pm
by aaronraad
Ah those were the days, when the teacher supervising the trap shooting team would bring in some of his brother's (Fed cop at the time) collection including a SPAS12; and the rather elegant H&K 660 in 223R on rifle range days at the Madden.

I can remember spending a few Geography lessons in yr9/10 at the back of the class reloading for the trap team with another student on the little MEC until we ran out of powder and shot...or one of us was a little slow and got a finger jammed in the press. I use to be bring the 22LR Lithgow single-shot into school broken-down with the action/barrel unscrewed from the stock to fit in my duffle/school bag at the time. Fortunately I wasn't too much into the grunge scene at the time.

PS: SPAS12 wasn't much of trap gun in pump or semi-auto, but you could feel everyone take an extra step back from whoever was holding it at the time. :wink:

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:06 pm
by mn1863
If pumps and semis had still been around they would have saved me money, as I wouldn't have had to spend so much buying left hand rifles and shotguns.

I could have spent the savings on single shot rifles then. :D

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:59 am
by dave
Well I love my sr-22, cheap ammo accurate and lots of fun!

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 2:47 pm
by chris.tyne
I miss the fact that I if I wanted one I could have one back then.

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:45 pm
by frakka
Camel and Chris have it about right but I had no auto's by the time of Port Arthur.

However, a little nostalgia still creeps in whenever I see a Brno Model 581 in good nick.

Re: Damn you Martin Bryant . . . . . .

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:46 pm
by Waldo
Gotta admit I was pretty pissed off when they took my Belgium Browning A5 that my father brought me when I was about 12, I grew up around that shotgun and was very sad to see it go. If I was honest though a good UO shoots better in my opinion but I shot a fair few foxes with that A5 and being able to keep pumping lead into them certainly helped on the odd occasion plus fond memories of sneaking over dam banks onto a mob of ducks and letting loose :D .

Before I lost the A5 I went to a camera place down town and had a couple of professional photo's taken of it, I also managed to take the hard plastic but plate off which still sits in the gun safe. At the time I wasn't happy but begrudgingly conformed as I'm sure all the criminals did also it was the least I could do :roll:

As per chris it would be kinda nice to have the option though...............................................................
