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New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:39 am
by FieldGrade
Hello all.
I'm Charlie from Clearwater county Idaho in the good ol USofA.
I have a cyber-friend in QL that I've been trading hunting stories, CD's, and tall tales with for a few years now so I enjoy seeing the Varminting you "blokes down under" take part in.
Since I'm also fond of varmint rifles I thought I'd introduce myself by posting up a few from my humble collection along with some of the varmints hunted with em.

First up's an old 700 Classic in 17Rem. She's on her third barrel and still going strong, although I have to admitt that I don't use her that much any more.

Next is a little CZ 527 that's had a few mods as well as a new barrel chambered in 17FB.
It's a real sweetheart!

This one's a Cooper M38 in 17AH that I mostly use to shoot Ground Squirrels with during the summer months. A great way to get some excercise and enjoy the beautiful mountains here in Idaho.

I'll post up a few others as well as some nice Cats (my passion) if ya'll are interested in seeing em, but this'll have to do for now.

Thanks for the web-site.
I'll try to behave myself.

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:57 am
by Camel
G'day mate, I think I recognise those photos from Saubier, the dog box gives it away.
Enjoy your stay. :D

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:19 am
Welcome aboard mate great first post.can you fill us in on the mods to the CZ and did you call the Moggie in or was it a case of being in the right place at the right time

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:33 am
by FieldGrade
Camel wrote:G'day mate, I think I recognise those photos from Saubier, the dog box gives it away.
Yea,,, I quit them about a year ago.
Like the old grey mare "she ain't what she used to be".
Met my friend Danny (deerndingo) over there though so I guess it ain't all bad.

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:57 am
by FieldGrade
MISSED wrote:can you fill us in on the mods to the CZ and did you call the Moggie in or was it a case of being in the right place at the right time
The CZ started life as a 221. I rebarreled with a PN 3grove 9twist chambered in 17FB, had the bottom metal and magazine shortened, and swapped the bolt handle for one that allows lower rings.

The Bobcat was called but I also trap and track em with dogs when we get some snow.
Like I said earlier, "Cats are my passion".
Here's a few of the nicer ones I've collected over the years.

This was my biggest ever at 37#. The pic doesn't do him justice but trust me, he was a hog. (The big sissy let that little 35# run him up a tree)

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:23 am
by kjd
Awesome mate.

Welcome aboard. Please stick about and share your hunting stories. Great stuff. I really want to come to the US to hunt one day would love to get a Coyote, a Grey Fox, a White Tail and smack some prarie dogs!

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:24 am
by kjd
I'll also go on record saying this has to be one of if not the best first post on AusVarmint. Thanks again mate!

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:35 pm
by Puddles
Where is the like button on this forum?

Are bobcats considered pests in Idaho?

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:51 pm
by FieldGrade
kjd wrote:I'll also go on record saying this has to be one of if not the best first post on AusVarmint. Thanks again mate!
Thanks for the kind words kjd
Sorry bout the humungus pic. Photobucket got me again but I think I got it fixed.

Hope you do indeed make it over here someday.
Look me up if you find yourself anywhere near No. central Idaho.

Here's a little more porn for ya.
This is one of my favorite pix.
Don't know how I ever got this lucky because I'm a crappy photographer in real life.
Here's a K22 and a Marlin 39 (both mfg in 1946) that I'll never part with.
And a couple in 22WMR. These four are the only rimfires and the only hand guns I own but I like em.

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:10 pm
by FieldGrade
Puddles wrote:
Are bobcats considered pests in Idaho?
Some states concider em varmints that can be shot any time. (Mostly southern states).
Here in ID they're classified as Fur Bearers and can only be taken when the furs prime. Our season runs from mid Dec. through mid Feb.

Oh,,, and just so ya know,, these prime Western Cats are fetching between 500.00 and 1200.00 this year. I'm headed to the fur buyers next Tues.
Wish me luck. :)

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:27 pm
by frakka
Welcome FieldGrade, I too recognize some of these great pic’s from Saubier, pretty exotic varmints compared to our standard game. I can only echo KJD’s comments. My CZ has the flush bottom metal and magazines, a great improvement. Also have a model 21 cooper waiting on paperwork to pick up, I enjoy seeing other coopers in the field.

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:55 pm
Ok here is my US want to do list
Elk ,Brown +black Bear ,Dall Ram ,Coyote ,Bobcat and a couple of days on the Praire dogs,

Can I ask why you went 17 Fireball and not 17 MachIV or 20 Vartarg

Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:39 pm
by Glenn

Great photo's!

Those are some nice skins, good prices too!
So there is still money in fur?
Just not here?

Love your work!


Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:40 pm
by Glenn
Can I ask why you went 17 Fireball and not 17 MachIV or 20 Vartarg
So he dose not have to form brass :lol:


Re: New guy and some gun porn.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:52 pm
by 223 fanboy
Those bobcat skins are nice.
How do you go about skinning them for sale?
They don't look like you've slit them down the belly.
