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Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:33 am
by GriMo

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:37 am
by macca
GriMo wrote:Why?
Probably because the sendero will shoot very well. :wink:

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:54 am
by Plowboy
GriMo wrote:I have never heard anyone ever say a nice word about the marlin mag. They arent exactly cheap to buy surely they can invest the cash in fixing it. the extra 3 cents in material seems silly not to do it
Exactly it is the biggest draw back to it. I am not a firearm expert or anything but if they fixed the mag and worked in the trigger it would be a nice gun. It shoots well and looks nice but that bloody mag! I really did a silly thing by not shopping around when I got it but found out later that I could have got a "good" rifle for not much more than I got it for. The gunsmith I deal with wants me to bring it in and he will figure somthing out to stop the rattle but shit it's 8 months old and had rattled since new! I shouldn't have to be taking it back for that. Not a fault either from what I have heard, they all do it.

The power thing I suppose I probably should have gone a centrefire straight off. I was probably expecting too much from the poor little rounds. I will see how the year goes and how much my tax return is before I make a decision to sell or not. I do like it (the calibre) SO much. Brilliant for rabbits, hares and stupid foxes and well as other pests but lacks that "grunt" or range to deal with the bigger stuff I am wanting to get stuck into.

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:22 pm
by macca
Somehow someone's reply seems to be inside my post.Have we gremlins at work?

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:37 pm
by macca

Without a doubt. But what does the extra cost give you? The ruger shoots mighty fine groups with factory ammo, and handloads will shrink that down. Just wondering what the reasons behind them are, as i think its demonstrated the ruger will shoot groups just as well out of the box, and give you a fair margin of change leftover.

I don't have an issue with rem700, just wondering what extra it offers?[/quote]

Okay I have owned several rugers.None would outshoot a sendero out of the box.If you have one, that's great.All mine took a lot of work and usually a different barrel and or trigger to get what I consider a good rifle.That is, a rifle that in reasonable conditions will place 5 groups of 5 shots into less then .5MOA.Preferably smaller.Shot at one session.
The remington is a top rifle in the sendero format but on top of that it'is infinetly upgradeable.I expect to wear out barrels so as soon as I do the action gets fully trued a better barrel goes on and the sendero jumps up to semi custom.The ruger improves when you do this as well but in my expierence it never quite achieves what I want.
I don't dislike the ruger and have been happy with the ones I have owned(after getting them done up)but I would not put them in the sendero's class.

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:37 pm
by GriMo
Without a doubt. But what does the extra cost give you? The ruger shoots mighty fine groups with factory ammo, and handloads will shrink that down. Just wondering what the reasons behind them are, as i think its demonstrated the ruger will shoot groups just as well out of the box, and give you a fair margin of change leftover.

I don't have an issue with rem700, just wondering what extra it offers?

Sorry mate, i hit the edit not "Quote" button. my bad

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:03 pm
by kjd
Isn't it all a bit arbitrary? I'm sure they are both great if I had$1200 I'd get the Ruger if I had $2000 or whatever a Sendaro costs I'd get that.
Personally if it were me I'd get the Ruger 25-06 as it would fit my budget.

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:28 pm
by macca
kjd wrote:Isn't it all a bit arbitrary? I'm sure they are both great if I had$1200 I'd get the Ruger if I had $2000 or whatever a Sendaro costs I'd get that.
Personally if it were me I'd get the Ruger 25-06 as it would fit my budget.
Yes the cost factor does play a big part and unfortunately the stainless senderos are $2450 at the dearer shops.
And yes at half the price the ruger is getting attractive and would be value for money.I just have a soft spot for the sendero's as everyone I see shoots the lights out. 8) There are some bargins on used guns at the moment.

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 5:59 pm
by Model70
I am biased on my choice because I own two rem 700's and find it hard to find a ruger that im comfortable with. In saying this I havent shot a VT so I cant comment on their performance. But for me its rem all the way, unless your lucky enough to find a Model70 with a heavy barrel such as a stealth.......... you own a stealth dont you Keith?

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:45 pm
by kjd
Heavy varmint I own mate! Though that may change to a HB tikka I'm think. Crazy uhuh!
Was going to ask why are you mod 70 if you really are a rem 700 :-P

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:27 am
by Model70
Got a Rem again this time because the new M70 isnt out yet and was told not to hold my breath...................... after it was originally going to be june last year, then christmas, then march this year........... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:51 pm
by HiWall
Having owned three Ruger VT's I don't hesitate to recommend them. Really nice, accurate, reliable and tough rifles at a great price. I would take a Ruger VT over a Tikka T3 Varminter EVERYday. There ain't much plastic in a Ruger and you can load the magazine from the top.

The Rem VSSF is a fantastic bit of gear also with the great advantage of easy accurising (if you need a real tackholer) and a huge range of aftermarket gear available.

I am lucky enough to own one of the old 'scarce as hens teeth' Rem Sendero rifles in .25/06 - it shoots like a dream without any 'accuracy' mods being done although I have fitted the Jewel HVBR no safety trigger set for 10oz letoff. It has a HSS tactical bolt knob and a High Score BR single shot magazine follower which can easily be slipped out for magazine use. Zeiss Conquest 6.5-20x50 scope in Leupold PRW rings on a Farrell 20MOA base (HSS supplied). These also came standard in the HS Precision stock that is part of the VSSF rifle.

The Ruger has another advantage in that it comes standard with a bulletproof scope mounting set-up and suitable rings, which makes it even better value than the Tikka T3 Varmint.

Both the Ruger laminated and Rem (HSPrecision) stocks are IMO streets ahead of the crappy plastic T3 stock.

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:22 pm
by dave
I do like the rem sendero, had one and sold it and shouldnt have! I saw it advertised not long ago actually at a price more than what i paid for and it went within about 24hrs!

Re: .25-06 Varmint rifle options???

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:46 pm
by adamjp
If I had $3000 to spend on a new 25-06 varmiting rig?

Option 1:
Remington Sendero $2450
Find a scope that will do it justice for $550 - VX-I 4-12x40 Leupold for $520 (and I wouldn't spend that much for that scope). Oh I forgot - you need to knock $100 off that to buy a set of rings and bases. So go looking for a good 4-12 or 6-18 type scope for under $500 - fat chance, even if you are willing to look at used ones.

Option 2:
Ruger VT $1200
Scope for under $1800 - Can anyone say Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14x50 RapidZ800 $1286? And enough to buy a laser rangefinder, and a bipod, and a nice case for it.

I really don't care how much more accurate your Remington is on the range. Lets be clear here, at 400m a 0.4MOA (1.6inch) v 0.7MOA (2.8inch) groups means less on a rabbit than the quality of the scope and your ability to dope the range and the wind. If you can't see the target and then work out the elevation you are not going to make a hit - end of story. Buy the Ruger and all the accessories and be VERY VERY happy blowing critters into oblivion.

Yes, I get really annoyed with people who make accuracy out to be the ONLY goal. I have always found that hitting at long range is subject to many variables.