As you all probably know I have a Sako 222 that I am in love with .My you bloke took this pic as I was exterminating some Bunnies on Sunday
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The warrens I was picking on were under every blackberry bush and the pile of rocks in the centre of photo.Longest shot was to a rabbit near the dead tree just to the right of centre the one with the lean to the right
RE 7 driving 40 grain V-Maxes seems to do the trick
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Nice pics, great way to spend some time.
But as a fella working on a cattle property, what is that green stuff all over the ground, round here is only comes in shades of brown over the last few years.
Thomo the old patrol has given me good service apart from just fitting a new engine( TD 42)and ancilliaries.Now days it is just my shooting,go to work truck.Although a 2005 4.2 would be nice
Grass is what that green stuff is mate it would be the best spring we have had for a while.
Treevort you are the only visitor the young bloke has tried to knock out.
The photo is deceptive the dead tree on the lean would have been somewhere around 350 m. I had no range finder then but have shot on the place a lot and used to judge distance by the fall of the shot.When you drop it short hold over a bit more on the next shot .Kevin when you next come over we will have to have a session
Cheers Andrew - I'm looking forward to it already!! 20 Prac is sighted in again. Was shooting high when I took it out with James the other day (a tad frustrating) but is back 'on song' again now.