Its a whole different kettle of fish out past 500. Shot an 18 out of 40 in center fire metallic shillouette on Saturday with 6 rams a new PB with a tikka in 6.5x55. The Omark I picked up the other week:-) shoots pretty good but the weaver scope didn't hold up' magnification has jammed on 24 and ring won't turn. Not happy bout that. optics are good image clear but now can't trust it.
Came second up at hamilton few weeks back at 500y could of won if my trigger didn't let go on last shot closed the bolt and bang at lest i hit the bord to get a 3 a 6.5x47 won that day
One of the blokes at Majura was using one looks like a nice round but then I am biased towards 6.5 cals only got an Omark cause its easier to shoot f std and I had dies and cases all ready from a Spanish carbin. H
Yes very nice rifle shoots good just got a daveys trigger fitted as well to some times i just love the billed and try them out then on to some thing new