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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:01 pm
by mitchellchandler_au
Hi all,
Iam going to get my 6mmbr chambed to 6BRX when the present barrel goes south. I would like any info on the BRX if there is any one out there with one.
Thanks a whole lot.
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:25 pm
by BRman
Why not go 6mm dasher. Dies are readily available from Redding, Forster and Wilson, whereas the brx are not
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:13 pm
by Ned Kelly
G'Day Mitchell,
A young bloke from Portland Vic, Daniel Bennet, who I know well, uses a 6BRX in F class and he it shoots pretty bloody well! It is equal to the 6dashers in performance, however he is winning some good matches and he uses standard 6br dies to reload. If the case head gets tight he runs the cases through any 243/308 die and to date he hasn't had to.
His gunsmith Bill Hallam in WA has built many BR/FB/FC rifles and he uses the 6BRX in FO as well. Bill has said to me that the windage of the 6BRX is exactly the same as the 6.5/284 when shot on report (he fires when he hears the 6.5 fire) at 1000yds. I know Bill well and have no reason to doubt him or his word. He swears by the 6BRX and has the results to back his word up.
In last month's Precision Shooting Mag the equip list for a 600yd match the 6BRX and 6dashers were equally numbered at about 1/2 the field, the next calibre was 6.5/284.......
I've been following this debate for many months and am so pleased to see SC has the reamer which makes my decision a little easier. I intend to rebuild my Hall BR rifle into a FO rifle and I plan on using a 6BRX due to the 30deg shoulder for easy chambering and using std 6BR dies.
I hope this helps
Cheerio Ned
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:21 am
by Ackley Improved
My vote for the Dasher..
Mine shoots great.. Had no issues.. Redding dies work well with it.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:01 am
by Ned Kelly
G'Day all,
alternatively, redding now stock 6 and 6.5x47 dies and with lapua brass readily available, a 6x47lapua would deliver 6BRX/dasher performance easily without hammering the brass and shane was thinking about getting the reamers.......
The 6XC is another alternative where you can use lapua 243 brass in 6XC dies & trim. The 6XC and 6x47lapua has roughly the same case capacity but the 6x47lap has a small primer/flash hole and the 6XC has a large primer/flashhole.
Go to for more info on case forming and load developement of the above cartridges. A project gun was first chambered in 6BR, then rechambered to 6BRX and then 6x47 lapua (same barrel) and repeated with another barrel on (see link for details) A very interesting read.
Failing that these calibres are gaining popularity with the LR Fclass shooters and a quality gunsmith with any of these reamers should be easy to find.
Cheerio Ned
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:19 pm
by Tony Z
I have looked at a lot of hot shot 6 mil cartridges over the years and i have still yet to see one do a consistant job of accuracy as what the 6 BR will do. I have seen an odd wildcat here and there that was good, but when rebarreled it was not as accurate as the previuos tube. So to my mind some wildcats are reasonable but will not deliver to the bloke down the road. The 6 BR works for everyone that does one. If your 6 mil does not produce a 10 shot group of one inch or under at 300 M, then it is just an also ran at Fly, F Class and 1K. Look at Matt Ps post and pic on this forum and you will see why he is the one to beat in F Class and now in Fly. Very few wildcats can deliver this sort of consistant accuracy and is probably why they are never seen at 300 M positional International matches. 6 BRs hold IK and 600 IBS records. No Dashers or BRXs to be seen, even though they are there.
With the much anticipated 117 SMK due out soon, and with a reported .600 BC, i would be waiting for the early test results out of the US. If they are a goer, unlike the 115 which has all but died, this new 6 mil bullet will be able to run with any other caliber back to 1K. At a .600 BC and at 117 grains, i would suspect that cartridges like the 243 AI or 6 REM AI would be the cases that would easily deliver this pill to 3000 fps without to much stress. The others mentioned on this thread are not going to be able to deliver the speed to take advantage of the BC and would be far better off with the 107/105 grain bullets already in use. This new bullet, if it ends up being the new messiah, will change a lot of peoples minds about what they are going to build for F Class and even 1K and 600 IBS.
Tony Z.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:11 pm
by Ackley Improved
Tony Z..
Its the first time I have heard that Sierra will be bringing out a 117MK!!
It could make things very interesting in the 6mm department.
117's are starting to be getting a bit heavy for a Dasher, but they can still achieve around the 2950fps with them.
I would most likely go to a bigger case, the 6X47L.
This may change a few ideas amongst people.
I am very happy with the performance of the 107MK out of my Dasher though. It was good enough for 6th at Canberra, with only 8 point between 6th and 1st.. so the little Dasher can sure do it!
If you are interested in a 6mmBR, check out the latest SSAA mag. IN the classifieds there one built off a Panda big bore action, unfired for $3000!! Buy it and have a 6mmBR improved reamer ran through it, or a 6X47L.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:20 pm
by mitchellchandler_au
Thanks for you info guys,
The reason why I wanted a BRX is so I can use my standard 6br dies. I was also thinking of the 6.5x47 but the whole equation of new dies,cases, projectles has turned my head back to the BRX.
Could any one give me any wisdom on reloading for the 6BRX or the other 6br derivatives.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:56 pm
by Ackley Improved
The BRX and Dasher are very similar.
In the warmer weather I run 32.8 of RL15.. in the cooler 33.3 of RL15.
You should be able to go to 33.5grain, but of course check pressure etc.
If a 243 or 308 die will size the head of the BRX like posted above, it maybe the way to go.
For the Dasher I bought a Redding Type S FL and NK die.. and now have decided to FL after every firing.
For a seater, I had the sleeve out of a Redding Comp. seter reamed.
Dies are not a big deal with the Dasher anyway.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:24 pm
by singleshot
Tony Z has hit the nail on the head. The 6br is a very versatile and accurate round. It will shoot accurately week in week out.
I have 2 x 6br's, a 6 x 47 and 6.5 x 47, for F Class. The later two are now as accurate as the 6br's after a lot of load development.
The 6br's required little development to shoot tiny groups.
The two groups below were shot consecutively while running my first 6br barrel in. Top group shots 11 to 15, bottom group 16 to 20. This load is still used in my wife's rifle and will put 10 under 1" at 300yds.
Don't ask why I am trying other cartridges,