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What a great Evening!

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:08 pm
by SnipeWench
The other thread I started was getting a bit out of hand. Please keep things constructive!

Anyway, I had another of those awesome nights, one which I'll remember for a long time.

I took my Sako P94s out to Cecil Park this evening to shoot at the electronic targets.

The first detail (60 shots), I scored 584, with a run of 25 10's, before getting really excited and pulling a 9 *sigh*. I also scored my first 10.9 (scored as a 10).

The second detail, I scored 587, with one run of 12 10's. Not bad considering some guy and a bunch of kids turned up during the detail, and began to shoot in a 22 magnum. My rifle was going *pop* to his *boom*, so it was hard to concentrate!

The third detail, I scored 587 again! I had the entire range to myself once more, and could hear the *tick* *tick* *tick* of the clock on the wall, as I steadily took each shot.

I was shooting the RWS R50 (dull box).

Not bad for a first effort at Cecil Park with the Sako, eh!

As you can see, I'm big-kev excited!

- bec

Re: What a great Evening!

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:52 pm
by Ron Goulding
Hi Bec , well done, it sure is fun shooting electronic targets. I havent done it from the bench but i have from the prone. Its a lot easier as your not moving from target to target and no spotting scope needed as you have a TV set right in front of you. Now if they would only up grade them to 42" plasmas :lol: :lol: :lol: Cheers Ron

Re: What a great Evening!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:47 am
by Aussie_bob
Way to go Bec i also have a SAKO P94s that shoots realy well and am looking at putting it into a heavy 3inch wide stock for RBA coz i think it may outshoot my 2013 I also have a Lilja Barrel that slips in that works very well but puts me over weight for what i normaly shoot but for RBA or IRB should be fine.