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Next LR weekend in TSV

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:02 am
by albow
Hi All

The weekend of 7 & 8 November will be the next LR weekend here in Townsville with the 550yd and 1000yd matches being on on the same weekend which is great for the travellers.

The Saturday morning will be the 550yd BR with shooting starting at 0830. Sunday afternoon will be a 1000yd match with set up starting at 1230 and this match will also be included in the November postal with the US shooters.

Re: Next LR weekend in TSV

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:16 am
by john mc
Hi Al i will be up for that weekend hope you can keep the weather under control
ask tony about my last email to him about a target cam very interesting
could be used on your new range
john mc :rifle:

Re: Next LR weekend in TSV

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:14 pm
by Kenny
Gday Alan,

Good to see you blokes getting right into it...jeez it almost seems like your making up for lost time :D

When ya gunna find time to maufacture those sweet stocks with all this shooting going on.... :P :lol:


Re: Next LR weekend in TSV

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:52 pm
by albow
Hi Kenny

Sure are making up for lost time :)

The stock making is going steady. I have another one to try which will make number 7 which means I will have tried nearly a different stock each month so far this year :lol: :lol:

Hopefully this time I get working but just got to get the time to build the thing. Probably after this next match as it looks like this will be the last weekend for the year..... unless the troops want to try again in December but the weather then is a bit unforgiving.

I will have to give you a call again soon.

Re: Next LR weekend in TSV

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:50 pm
by Tony Z
John, thanks for your email and i have passed the info on to the boys. Any chance of bringing up the set up so the boys can see what you have got? Well done to both you and Bob for getting this package together as it sounds very promising for 1K. Without a doubt this sort of thing will greatly benefit anyone wishing to practice LR without the need for someone down at the butts or multiple targets to test loads. It has become apparent that the top US 1K shooters do their load testing at that range and do very little, if any, at the shorter distances. This will become an invaluable tool and performance levels should rise i would suspect. It would be invaluable for the FClass guys as well. I think there is a couple of guys wanting to see that point up set up you came up with as well.
There is little chance the weather will be any good as it has been absolutely horrid for weeks now. I have never see wind so bad on the golf course or on the beach volley ball courts, ever, so i can only imagine what it must be like on the range. It is not the actual wind velocity, it is the continual change of direction and speed that has me beat. JR, Jeff H and Eric as well as Allan have got their rifles at their peak and if the weather does come good, they will post some good groups i would imagine. But don't hold your breath waiting for that crap to go away.
I won't be about as i'm off south again so i will catch you next time.

Jethro Bodine, Loose Cannon.

Re: Next LR weekend in TSV

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:44 am
by Tony Z
John, i just realized that you mentioned "new range". That range will never be shot on and has been aptly named by you know who as "Neverland". If the State thinks that it is a range waiting to be occupied and shot on, then the State should come up and run it.
There is no power, there is no club house, there is no toilet block and there are no covered firing lines and none of the firing lines are concreted. There is no chance of hitting targets when laying on a hump of pushed up dirt because you can't see the bullet catcher from that position due to a rise in the ground between the firing point and the bullet stop. Then one cockhead said we will just use longer target frames. Brilliant i say, as then you are shooting well above the bullet catcher line and up into the hill. Just what the bullet stop is there to prevent. The 1K range has a bullet catcher that is the best in the State. But only half of it is visible as the other half is blocked by a tree line from a watercourse that bisects the range. Permission to cut these trees down will never be granted, so in affect the 1K range has become a perfect fire break. What the State has not acknowledged is that they placed in charge of the overseeing of this range construction a person who has caused perpetual disharmony within this club, and has so many axes to grind with so many members, that this range had no other way to go but to where the white elephants roam. The State should be so proud.
If any of the State Execs are reading this, then you are welcome to contact me personally and i will give you a guided tour of your wonderful new acquisition as i know not one of you aside from that dropkick up here has set foot on the place. All looks good on a two dimensional map and a whole lotta claptrap at the last AGM. He has well and truly snowed every one of you. But hey, he is one of the Blue Shirts, so he has to be right. Right?

Like it has been said by many, if you wanted to see an example of a range that no-one could use and had every aspect of being a usable range wrong, then we have it right next door for all to view. There is one very positive thing that has come of this, there are no worries about getting shooting rights while this range is next door and it is a great buffer for the current NRAA range that will be occupied for many years to come :mrgreen: .

Jethro Bodine, Loose Cannon.

ps. I just remembered, if you threaten to move members from one Q zone to another by the stroke of a pen or key, you must have a range to move that membership to. That range next door is not ready, and is most likely never going to be ready in its current layout, to be in a position to have a membership occupy it in any physical form. Such threats at a State AGM level are seen as personal agendas being acted out by people that should not be in the positions that they are in. Such rubbish at this level only succeeds in uniting a club against such poor leadership. To selectively excise certain members from one zone so that they cannot attain positions on the committee of this potential new range or zone, just shows how much snow you have had put in your eyes from that local fuckwit up here. Wake up and have a look at what the rest of your membership is saying.

Re: Next LR weekend in TSV

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:13 pm
by john mc
Hi Tony I can bring up the electronic parts of the target cam when i go to the next shoots
but they need a couple of car sized batteries to opperate long emnough for a full shoot
i have been getting one off Bob and another from a neighbour to do our testing for just a demo
a couple of 7 amp hour jelsels would do the job -- i will be up a few days before the shoot to
do the usual townsville jobs so i will see you at work -- do you know if our favourite cartridge
collector has returned from hunting ? -- John Mc :rifle:

Re: Next LR weekend in TSV

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:29 am
by Tony Z
Yes Bwana has returned and shows up with pic of buff in wallet just to remind me of the one i should have shot. It was just a baby still on the teet, only 1.6 meter tip to tip. I've passed up bigger cows than that. :mrgreen: I keep telling him that the mother of that little calf has his image burnt into her memory and will stalk him and trample his carcass next time he is up there. That is if she doesn't follow him back. They do that you know. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: One night he will be on his way to the crapper, and out of the shadows of the hallway, bam!!, mother buffalo revenge. 8) He sleeps with that double rifle by his side, so be careful when you lumber up his driveway. :hunting: