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IPSC handgun comps
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:34 pm
by Ackley Improved
Anybody shoot the IPSC competitions??
Also, you handgun owners out there... how long is it before I can have a handgun in my hot little hands? For Vic and NSW's?
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:12 pm
by damige
Hi in vic you must join a pistol club, once joined you will fill out probationary handgun permit and you can then use club and member guns, after six months you fill out permits for a full licence and at the same time you fill out a permit to accire a handgun and send it in.
Some people have sent there paper work in early (about 1 month) and got there licence and permit to buy a week apart, so you can have one in your hands in six months.
I have shot a little IPSC but i mainly shot ICORE similar to IPSC but shot with revolvers only.
Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:55 pm
by woob614271
Good luck, but I think the best if iPSC died years ago; too many looking for unfair advantages and to bend the rules for me, and I started in 1989!
the woob.