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Melbourne BR Club Shooting Calendar for 2009

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:45 pm
by Ned Kelly
G'Day All,
here is the proposed 2009 MBC calendar from the Dec Newsletter.

all wlecome, contact Peter Van Meurs for details as the events may change during the year......

Sun 18th Jan CF BR 100yds and RF 100yds Group

Sun 15th Feb CF 500m Fly and RF Mini Fly 100yds

Sun 15th Mar RF USBR 50yds

Sun 29th Mar CF BR 200yds

Sun 19th Apr CF 500m Fly and RF Mini Fly 100yds

Fri 1st May Practice & Setup for 500m Fly
Sat 2nd May LG/HG Vic 500m Fly titles
Sun 3rd May 200m RF Fly

Sun 17th CF 100yds LV/HV and RF USBR 50m

Sun 31st May CF Experimental 200yd 10 shot groups

Sun 21st Jun CF Club HV Championship 100/200yds group

Sun 19th Jul CF 500m Fly and RF Mini Fly 100yds

Sun 16th Aug CF Club LV Championship 100/200yds group

Sun 30th Aug CF 500m Fly and RF to be advised

Sun 20th Sept RF USBR 50m and AGM

Sun 18th Oct CF 500m Fly and 200m RF Fly

Sun 29th Nov CF (All BR classes) 200yd 5 shot group

Sun 6th Dec Christmas Novelty Shoot

cheerio Ned

Re: Melbourne BR Club Shooting Calendar for 2009

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:53 pm
by ogre6br
Thanks for posting this Ned
TrevorT how about we give some of these events a nudge this year??


Re: Melbourne BR Club Shooting Calendar for 2009

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:16 pm
by Aussie_bob
Why dont you blokes have a Hunter/Class shoot down there? Its an easy shoot to run and easy to set up and score.One shot per bull 5 bulls to a target plus a sighter

Re: Melbourne BR Club Shooting Calendar for 2009

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:38 pm
by ogre6br
Aussie_bob wrote:Why dont you blokes have a Hunter/Class shoot down there? Its an easy shoot to run and easy to set up and score.One shot per bull 5 bulls to a target plus a sighter
How many turns at the bench in a shoot? I forget - are they called relays- I forget

I was looking on the Mackay site of your to see the target face- but couldn't find it.


Re: Melbourne BR Club Shooting Calendar for 2009

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:17 pm
by Ned Kelly
G'Day all,
they do run a factory rifle hunter class style shoot organised by another chap that runs side by side with the BR shoots, basically bring what you've got.

Details/relays are used to create a group (no pun intended) of shooters to fill available benches. So if you have say 15 shooters and only 10 benches to use. You can have 2 details of say 10 shooters and 5 shooters or 7 and 8 etc. They will all shoot 5 target sheets each and there will be effectively 2 details x 5 matches for a total of 10 rounds of shooting if you like.

So any shooter on the day will be allocated to a detail and they will alternate with the other detail to shoot 5 target faces per distance. If it is a 2 distance event then you will shoot 10 targets split over say 100 200 yds for CF.

The club often runs a CF event and a RF event to save wear and tear on CF barrels and to allow other shooters with RF rifles to have a go as well.

If you're not sure make a date and go have a look to get a feel on how the events are run.

hope this helps

Cheerio ned