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Batemans Bay

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:14 pm
by malcolm
Gidday Fellas, who here has shot at Batmans Bay ? What are the facliities like ? I normally take my own collapsible table along to places like Canberra and Hornsby, but this weekend I will be driving the wifes car----- and of course -- there ain't no room for a table.
So, what about cleaning and fiddlin' with the rifles-----
Also, is the range easy enough to find ?
Cheers Malcolm

Re: Batemans Bay

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:36 pm
by Rinso
The range is pretty well opposite the Botanical Gardens at Batemans Bay so not hard to find. As for facilities there is a covered bench line and thats about it .. no cleaning tables best to either take your own fold up or I use the back of the ute ...
It also helps to take a bit of wood or similar a packing for your rear bag as the range is down hill.


Re: Batemans Bay

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:36 am
by malcolm
Thanks Rinso------ that's precisely what I wanted to hear. Maybe I'd better change my mind on which vehicle to take.
Thanks again Malcolm