High scores and small groups at 1K to date....
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:15 pm
Top 30 small groups in H/G..* denotes the Original shoot method(BLIND)
1/ 8/4/07 TSV 4.73ins 30cal J.Rogers *
2/ 30/11/03 TSV 5.09ins 30cal J.Rogers*
3/ 30.11/03 CBR 5.31ins 30cal V. Loblaev*
4/ 24/6/07 TSV 5.55ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
5/ 16/4/06 TSV 5.74ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
6/ 24/6/07 TSV 6.32ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
7/ 16/4/06 TSV 6.34ins 30cal J.Rogers*
8/ 24/6/07 TSV 6.52ins 30cal J.Rogers*
9/ 12.3/06 CBR 6.74ins 30cal S. Golinski*
10/ 28/8/03 CBR 6.78ins 30cal G.Fuge*
11/ 27/4/08 TSV 6.83ins 30cal J.Rogers*
12/ 16/5/04 TSV 6.87ins 30cal J.Rogers*
13/ 8/4/07 TSV 7.00ins 30cal J.Rogers*
14/ 9/3/03 TSV 7.27ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
15/ 27/5/05 TSV 7.32ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
16/ 28/10/07 BNE 7.37ins 30cal J.Rogers*
17/ 30/11/03 CBR 7.45ins 30cal J.Clifford*
18/ 27/6/04 TSV 7.45ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
19/ 16/3/03 CBR 7.48ins 7mm D.Waters*
20/ 25/6/06 TSV 7.54ins 30cal J.Rogers*
21/ 24/6/07 TSV 7.55ins 30cal J.Rogers*
22/ 16/4/06 TSV 7.58ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
23/ 16/4/06 TSV 7.62ins 30cal J.Rogers*
24/ 25/5/05 CBR 7.71ins 7mm D.Goodridge*
25/ 14/3/04 TSV 7.72ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
26/ 24/9/06 TSV 7.75ins 30cal J.Rogers*
27/ 27/5/05 TSV 7.80ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
28/ 23/5/05 TSV 7.85ins 30cal J.Rogers*
29/ 25/9/05 CBR 7.96ins 7mm A Bending*
30/ 11/11/07 TSV 7.99ins 30cal J.Rogers*
These are the single High Scores since it all began..
1/ 8/4/07 TSV 100.4 30cal J.Rogers*
2/ 14/3/04 TSV 100.0 30cal J.Rogers*
3/ 14/3/04 CBR 98.3 30cal A.Fuge*
4/ 14/3/04 TSV 98.2 7mm T. Zubalj*
5/ 9/3/03 TSV 98.2 7mm T.Zubalj*
6/ 26/11/06 BNE 98.0 30cal S. Elliott
7/ 24/6/07 TSV 97.4 30cal T. Zubalj*
8/ 21/7/02 TSV 97.3 7mm T.Zubalj*
9/ 24.6/07 TSV 97.2 30cal T.Zubalj*
10/ 28/7/02 CBR 97.2 6.5mm H,Hoitink*
11/ 28/10/07 BNE 97.2 30cal J.Rogers*
12/ 26/6/05 TSV 97.0 30cal T.Zubalj*
13/ 22/5/05 TSV 96.3 30 cal T.Zubalj*
14/ 25/5/07 CBR 96.3 30cal D.Purcell*
15/ 27/4/08 TSV 96.3 30cal J.Rogers*
16/ 10/4/06 TSV 96.2 30 cal T.Zubalj*
17/ 25/9/005 CBR 96.2 7mm D.Goodridge*
18/ 28/7/02 CBR 96.1 7mm D.Waters*
19/ 22/5/05 CBR 96.0 7mm J. Bending*
20/ 26.11/07 CBR 96.0 6.5mm D.Groves
21/ 25/3/01 TSV 95.4 7mm J.Rogers *
22/ 16/4/06 TSV 95.2 30cal J.Rogers*
23/ 22/5/05 TSV 95.1 30cal J.Rogers*
24/ 8/4/07 TSV 95.1 30cal T.Zubalj*
25/ 23/8/01 CBR 95.1 30cal A.Elliott*
26/ 30.5/04 CBR 95.1 30cal A.Fuge*
27/ 22/5/05 TSV 95.1 30cal J.Rogers*
28/ 9/3/08 CBR 95.1 7mm S Clancy*
29/ 26/10/04 TSV 95.0 7mm T.Zubalj *
30/ 18/2/07 BNE 95.0 30cal S. Elliott
Hi all, as Promised The Light Gun best 30 for group..
1/ 28/7/02 CBR 3.28ins 30 cal J.Clifford*
2/ 27/11/05 CBR 3.37 7mm D.Goodridge*
3/ 22/5/05 TSV 3.45 7mm E. Gustavson*
4/ 24/6/07 TSV 3.57 7mm E. Gustavson*
5/ 26/9/04 CBR 3.81 7mm D. Goodridge *
6/ 27/7/03 CBR 3.90 6.5mm M.Paroz *
7/ 26/9/04 CBR 4.10 6.5mm H.Hoitink*
8/ 26/5/02 CBR 4.18 6.5mm M. Passlow*
9/ 7/9/03 TSV 4.25 30cal B.Luther*
10/ 22/6/07 TSV 4.48 7mm B.Noakes*
11/ 28/7/02 CBR 4.85 6.5mm K Hills*
12/ 26/5/02 CBR 4.87 6.5mm H.Hotink*
13/ 23/11/02 CBR 4.88 6mm D.Waters*
14/ 28/7/02 CBR 4.88 6.5mm H.Hoitink*
15/ 22/9/02 CBR 5.25 6mm S.Golinski*
16/ 29/7/07 BNE 5.25 6.5mm D.Moynahan
17/ 26/11/06 CBR 5.30 7mm D.Goodridge*
18/ 30/11/03 CBR 5.31 6.5mm H.Hoitink*
19/ 12/9/02 TSV 5.33 30cal B.Luther*
20/ 12/3/06 CBR 5.36 6.5mm M.Hicks
21/ 17/7/06 TSV 5.37 30cal B.Luther*
22/ 8/4/07 TSV 5.42 7mm B.Noakes*
23/ 8/10/06 TSV 5.44 7mm E. Gustavson*
24/ 26/6/05 TSV 5.45 7mm E.Gustavson*
25/ 22/6/07 TSV 5.46 7mm B.Noakes*
26/ 16/4/04 TSV 5.54 6mm T.Zubalj*
27/ 28/9/02 CBR 5.55 6mm D.Waters*
28/ 30/3/08 BNE 5.56 6mm P.Jones
29/ 12/3/06 CBR 5.71 7mm D.Goodridge*
30/ 25/9/05 CBR 5.78 6.5mm B.Duncan
..JR..Jeff Rogers
Edited by - a.JR on 02/06/2008 12:07:58 PM
31 Posts
Posted - 07/08/2007 : 12:24:40 PM
The best single Light Gun Scores to date ..
1/ 28/7/02 CBR 50.3 6.5mm K.Hills*
2/ 16/3/03 CBR 50.1 6mm D.Waters*
3/ 12/9/04 TSV 50.1 30cal B.Luther*
4/ 27/11/05 CBR 50.1 7mm D.Goodridge*
5/ 24/6/07 TSV 50.1 7mm B. Noakes*
6/ 24/6/07 TSV 50.1 7mm E.Gustavson*
7/ 26/11/06 BNE 50.0 30cal P.Hill
8/ 29/9/03 CBR 49.2 7mm D.Goodridge*
9/ 30/3/08 BNE 49.2 6.5mm D.Moynahan
10/ 27/7/03 CBR 49.1 6.5mm M.Paroz*
11/ 14/3/04 CBR 49.1 7mm D.Goodridge*
12/ 31/7/05 CBR 49.1 30cal M. Cody
13/ 14/11/05 TSV 49.1 30cal B.Luther*
14/ 23/9/01 CBR 49.0 6mm S. Golinski*
15/ 9/3/03 TSV 49.0 7mm T.Armstrong*
16/ 27/5/07 CBR 49.0 6.5mm J.Clifford
17/ 24/6/07 TSV 49.0 30cal A.Nielsen*
18/ 24/6/07 TSV 49.0 30cal P.Henry*
19/ 29/7/07 CBR 49.0 7mm D.Goodridge*
20/ 23/9/01 CBR 48.2 6mm D.Waters*
21/ 21/7/02 TSV 48.2 30cal B.Luther*
22/ 26/10/03 TSV 48.2 30cal P.Henry*
23/ 30/11/03 CBR 48.2 7mm D.Goodridge*
24/ 31/7/05 CBR 48.2 30cal D.Groves
25/ 25/9/05 CBR 48.2 30cal T.Pavey
26/ 18/5/03 TSV 48.1 30cal B.Luther*
27/ 27/7/03 CBR 48.1 6.5mm K.Hills *
28/ 26/10/03 TSV 48.1 30cal B.Luther*
29/ 30/11/03 CBR 48.1 6.5mm S.Elliot*
30/ 27/7/04 CBR 48.1 30cal J.Clifford*
Posted for JR
1/ 8/4/07 TSV 4.73ins 30cal J.Rogers *
2/ 30/11/03 TSV 5.09ins 30cal J.Rogers*
3/ 30.11/03 CBR 5.31ins 30cal V. Loblaev*
4/ 24/6/07 TSV 5.55ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
5/ 16/4/06 TSV 5.74ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
6/ 24/6/07 TSV 6.32ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
7/ 16/4/06 TSV 6.34ins 30cal J.Rogers*
8/ 24/6/07 TSV 6.52ins 30cal J.Rogers*
9/ 12.3/06 CBR 6.74ins 30cal S. Golinski*
10/ 28/8/03 CBR 6.78ins 30cal G.Fuge*
11/ 27/4/08 TSV 6.83ins 30cal J.Rogers*
12/ 16/5/04 TSV 6.87ins 30cal J.Rogers*
13/ 8/4/07 TSV 7.00ins 30cal J.Rogers*
14/ 9/3/03 TSV 7.27ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
15/ 27/5/05 TSV 7.32ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
16/ 28/10/07 BNE 7.37ins 30cal J.Rogers*
17/ 30/11/03 CBR 7.45ins 30cal J.Clifford*
18/ 27/6/04 TSV 7.45ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
19/ 16/3/03 CBR 7.48ins 7mm D.Waters*
20/ 25/6/06 TSV 7.54ins 30cal J.Rogers*
21/ 24/6/07 TSV 7.55ins 30cal J.Rogers*
22/ 16/4/06 TSV 7.58ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
23/ 16/4/06 TSV 7.62ins 30cal J.Rogers*
24/ 25/5/05 CBR 7.71ins 7mm D.Goodridge*
25/ 14/3/04 TSV 7.72ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
26/ 24/9/06 TSV 7.75ins 30cal J.Rogers*
27/ 27/5/05 TSV 7.80ins 30cal T.Zubalj*
28/ 23/5/05 TSV 7.85ins 30cal J.Rogers*
29/ 25/9/05 CBR 7.96ins 7mm A Bending*
30/ 11/11/07 TSV 7.99ins 30cal J.Rogers*
These are the single High Scores since it all began..
1/ 8/4/07 TSV 100.4 30cal J.Rogers*
2/ 14/3/04 TSV 100.0 30cal J.Rogers*
3/ 14/3/04 CBR 98.3 30cal A.Fuge*
4/ 14/3/04 TSV 98.2 7mm T. Zubalj*
5/ 9/3/03 TSV 98.2 7mm T.Zubalj*
6/ 26/11/06 BNE 98.0 30cal S. Elliott
7/ 24/6/07 TSV 97.4 30cal T. Zubalj*
8/ 21/7/02 TSV 97.3 7mm T.Zubalj*
9/ 24.6/07 TSV 97.2 30cal T.Zubalj*
10/ 28/7/02 CBR 97.2 6.5mm H,Hoitink*
11/ 28/10/07 BNE 97.2 30cal J.Rogers*
12/ 26/6/05 TSV 97.0 30cal T.Zubalj*
13/ 22/5/05 TSV 96.3 30 cal T.Zubalj*
14/ 25/5/07 CBR 96.3 30cal D.Purcell*
15/ 27/4/08 TSV 96.3 30cal J.Rogers*
16/ 10/4/06 TSV 96.2 30 cal T.Zubalj*
17/ 25/9/005 CBR 96.2 7mm D.Goodridge*
18/ 28/7/02 CBR 96.1 7mm D.Waters*
19/ 22/5/05 CBR 96.0 7mm J. Bending*
20/ 26.11/07 CBR 96.0 6.5mm D.Groves
21/ 25/3/01 TSV 95.4 7mm J.Rogers *
22/ 16/4/06 TSV 95.2 30cal J.Rogers*
23/ 22/5/05 TSV 95.1 30cal J.Rogers*
24/ 8/4/07 TSV 95.1 30cal T.Zubalj*
25/ 23/8/01 CBR 95.1 30cal A.Elliott*
26/ 30.5/04 CBR 95.1 30cal A.Fuge*
27/ 22/5/05 TSV 95.1 30cal J.Rogers*
28/ 9/3/08 CBR 95.1 7mm S Clancy*
29/ 26/10/04 TSV 95.0 7mm T.Zubalj *
30/ 18/2/07 BNE 95.0 30cal S. Elliott
Hi all, as Promised The Light Gun best 30 for group..
1/ 28/7/02 CBR 3.28ins 30 cal J.Clifford*
2/ 27/11/05 CBR 3.37 7mm D.Goodridge*
3/ 22/5/05 TSV 3.45 7mm E. Gustavson*
4/ 24/6/07 TSV 3.57 7mm E. Gustavson*
5/ 26/9/04 CBR 3.81 7mm D. Goodridge *
6/ 27/7/03 CBR 3.90 6.5mm M.Paroz *
7/ 26/9/04 CBR 4.10 6.5mm H.Hoitink*
8/ 26/5/02 CBR 4.18 6.5mm M. Passlow*
9/ 7/9/03 TSV 4.25 30cal B.Luther*
10/ 22/6/07 TSV 4.48 7mm B.Noakes*
11/ 28/7/02 CBR 4.85 6.5mm K Hills*
12/ 26/5/02 CBR 4.87 6.5mm H.Hotink*
13/ 23/11/02 CBR 4.88 6mm D.Waters*
14/ 28/7/02 CBR 4.88 6.5mm H.Hoitink*
15/ 22/9/02 CBR 5.25 6mm S.Golinski*
16/ 29/7/07 BNE 5.25 6.5mm D.Moynahan
17/ 26/11/06 CBR 5.30 7mm D.Goodridge*
18/ 30/11/03 CBR 5.31 6.5mm H.Hoitink*
19/ 12/9/02 TSV 5.33 30cal B.Luther*
20/ 12/3/06 CBR 5.36 6.5mm M.Hicks
21/ 17/7/06 TSV 5.37 30cal B.Luther*
22/ 8/4/07 TSV 5.42 7mm B.Noakes*
23/ 8/10/06 TSV 5.44 7mm E. Gustavson*
24/ 26/6/05 TSV 5.45 7mm E.Gustavson*
25/ 22/6/07 TSV 5.46 7mm B.Noakes*
26/ 16/4/04 TSV 5.54 6mm T.Zubalj*
27/ 28/9/02 CBR 5.55 6mm D.Waters*
28/ 30/3/08 BNE 5.56 6mm P.Jones
29/ 12/3/06 CBR 5.71 7mm D.Goodridge*
30/ 25/9/05 CBR 5.78 6.5mm B.Duncan
..JR..Jeff Rogers
Edited by - a.JR on 02/06/2008 12:07:58 PM
31 Posts
Posted - 07/08/2007 : 12:24:40 PM
The best single Light Gun Scores to date ..
1/ 28/7/02 CBR 50.3 6.5mm K.Hills*
2/ 16/3/03 CBR 50.1 6mm D.Waters*
3/ 12/9/04 TSV 50.1 30cal B.Luther*
4/ 27/11/05 CBR 50.1 7mm D.Goodridge*
5/ 24/6/07 TSV 50.1 7mm B. Noakes*
6/ 24/6/07 TSV 50.1 7mm E.Gustavson*
7/ 26/11/06 BNE 50.0 30cal P.Hill
8/ 29/9/03 CBR 49.2 7mm D.Goodridge*
9/ 30/3/08 BNE 49.2 6.5mm D.Moynahan
10/ 27/7/03 CBR 49.1 6.5mm M.Paroz*
11/ 14/3/04 CBR 49.1 7mm D.Goodridge*
12/ 31/7/05 CBR 49.1 30cal M. Cody
13/ 14/11/05 TSV 49.1 30cal B.Luther*
14/ 23/9/01 CBR 49.0 6mm S. Golinski*
15/ 9/3/03 TSV 49.0 7mm T.Armstrong*
16/ 27/5/07 CBR 49.0 6.5mm J.Clifford
17/ 24/6/07 TSV 49.0 30cal A.Nielsen*
18/ 24/6/07 TSV 49.0 30cal P.Henry*
19/ 29/7/07 CBR 49.0 7mm D.Goodridge*
20/ 23/9/01 CBR 48.2 6mm D.Waters*
21/ 21/7/02 TSV 48.2 30cal B.Luther*
22/ 26/10/03 TSV 48.2 30cal P.Henry*
23/ 30/11/03 CBR 48.2 7mm D.Goodridge*
24/ 31/7/05 CBR 48.2 30cal D.Groves
25/ 25/9/05 CBR 48.2 30cal T.Pavey
26/ 18/5/03 TSV 48.1 30cal B.Luther*
27/ 27/7/03 CBR 48.1 6.5mm K.Hills *
28/ 26/10/03 TSV 48.1 30cal B.Luther*
29/ 30/11/03 CBR 48.1 6.5mm S.Elliot*
30/ 27/7/04 CBR 48.1 30cal J.Clifford*
Posted for JR