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F Class Factory Rifle

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:58 pm
by stewiemc
Gidday guys - I'm having a look at F class standard and wondering is there a factory rifle that would do the job while I'm learning.

Should it be .223 0r 308
I noticed that savage now lists a rifle are there others?
I'm open to all advice of a practical nature.

I'm trying to work thru all the scenarios so that I have it straight before I jump in.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:29 pm
by Rinso

You would be lucky to find a 223 as you need a fast twist barrel for 80 grn pills but there have been a few factory rifles with 1:7 twist barrels, I dont know where you would find one though.

A mate of mine is getting Shane Clancy to source him a Remington XR 100 in 223 and replace the factory barrel from new with a suitable fast twist barrel ... maybe an option.

308 any varmit rifle will do and yes the savage rifle would be an option depending on how much you want to spend .. 155 pills will stablise in any factory 308 so its all good. A 2nd hand Omark might be a nice cheap option for you as well, just need to fit a scope.

If you have a varmit rifle you can shoot it as an F open rifle and avoid the need to stick to 223 or 308.


Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:16 pm
by trevort
Savage make a varmint model with 1 in 7 twist in 223 with the accutrigger.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 8:03 pm
by AlanF
Rinso wrote:... A 2nd hand Omark might be a nice cheap option for you as well, just need to fit a scope...
From what I have seen of factory rifles at our range, the above advice is good. Omarks are very well known and it isn't hard to find a smith to do a good bedding job and give you half MOA accuracy. I'm sure there are some factory rifles that shoot well out of the box (Savage has a good name for that), but in general, converted full-bore rifles will win hands down.

Enjoy F-Class.
