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Measureing barrel length?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:38 pm
by Knackers
Is your barrel length measured from the start of the chamber ie: from where the rifling starts to the muzzle, or measured from the receiver to the muzzle?
The reason I ask is that my Rem has a 26" barrel measured from the receiver to the muzzle but the bullet takes up 2" of space in the chamber, so the bullet really only travels down 24" of rifled barrel.
I supose what I am asking, is it normal to inclued the length of your chamber in the actual length of your barrel. :roll: am I making any sense? or should I delete this thread?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:06 am
by john mc
hello knackers

the length of your barrel is easy to measure just push a cleaning rod from the mussel until it toutches the bolt mark the rod and remove and measure that is your length --- all good ballistic programs will ask for the overall cartridge length and barrel length then give you a bullet travel length ( length of rifiling in barrel )
hope this helps john mc