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come to your senses Trev

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:56 pm
by trevort
when I decided I would get into to BR I had a heavy 1 in 10 twist 20 cal barrel ordered for a 204. So I thought I would make it a 20ppc, shoot out the barrel while learning and then get a 6ppc barrel on it.

Shane and others advise if its not a 6ppc then you wont be competitive. I wont be competitive anyway i thinks to myself

Well I want to shoot the 50gn Bergers as they are the only match grade bullet I know of for the 20 cal. 1 in 9 twist is recommended but quite a few say the 1 in 10 from a ppc SHOULD work. I dont like SHOULD. In a custom built rifle I want WILL work. So i thought I would order a 1 in 9 to do it properly.

Hang on a minute, isnt the 20 ppc only cause you have that barrel? Shane made the comment something along the lines of "well if you want to muck around with that strange stuff". Meaning anything at short range br that's not a 6ppc is strange. That made me stop and think for a change.

So the 20 cal barrel will be stored for future use and funnily enough Shane has a Lilja suitable for a 6ppc sitting in stock and the action is nearly here!!!

anybody wanna buy the berger 50gn 20 cals i have bought already!!!! :roll:

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:05 pm
by Rinso

You are dead set worry some days .... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:39 pm
by trevort
Only some? You dont know me well enough yet!

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:56 pm
by ogre6br
will you talk to me about the barrel and the bergers as a package??

I am still looking for a .20 cal barrel and well........

I might be able to make use of it provided it's not too short or too small a profile??

strange isn't it- you brought a .20 cal off me and now I'm asking to buy one back off you and neither of us used the original barrel we brought.

how long is the blank?

do you have the 20 PPC dies already as well as thats what I'll build if you do.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:09 pm
by Rinso
strange isn't it- you brought a .20 cal off me and now I'm asking to buy one back off you and neither of us used the original barrel we brought.
it tells a story really ... maybe if you two stopped swapping gear between you Shane would have a chance to get at least one gun built.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:54 pm
by trevort
not selling the barrel, sorry (that is unless I cant pay all the credit card bills!)

I'll let all this settle down and when I get bored I'll build something else.

Now if you see a sako L461 in 6ppc for sale you might let me know :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:09 pm
by Rinso

I dont think you will find a 461 in 6PPC then again maybe you will, it will be a custom rifle though as the 461 was never made in 6mm.

I can however put you on to a pretty good deal on a Sako 75 Varmit in 243 or 22-250.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:51 pm
by trevort
was it 22PPC? Shane reckons sako did do a factory PPC.

Now my barrel on one of those could make a PPC hunting gun!

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:10 pm
by ogre6br
have you got the latest SSAA rag- there are some S/H BR rifles advertised in there with PPC boltfaces
do you want a magazine feeding PPC bolt face??

There might still be some Sabbatti 6PPC rifles avail in AU

there is the Ruger VT's that were avail in PPC ( both 22 and 6mm)
theres a 22 cal one listed here

if the rails on a Sako action weren't so hard it would be relaticely easy to open up the bolt of a 223 boltface to PPC but getting it to feed might be a real bitch
also lists a Sako 75 in 6 PPC further down the page but they want plus $1700 for it and thats just to expensive

a medium action A2 or 579 in .243 would be an easy convert to 6 ppc

c'mon you know you want to sell a poor boy like me your premium .20 cal barrel for next to nothing so I can finally build my .20 cal dream-- pleaseeeeeeeee

you know that your CZ came in 7.62x39 cal as well so magazines to suit the PPC for the CZ will be avail and all you would need to do is turn the rims down on the PPC cases to feed from the .223 bolt face and then you wouldn't need to open the boltface up at all.

Thats what I am planning on doing with my Tikka 223 when you sell me your .20 cal barrel and I turn it into a .20 PPC

more food for thought


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:31 pm
by trevort
I havent got enough money to pay for all the stuff i've got on the go (dont panic Shane, plenty of credit card limit) so i am not thinking anymore about this.

Its a nine profile krieger. I could just screw it on the cz and have a 20 Tac or Prac, ive got the 223 comp die set so just drop in one of the 20cal bushings or i could make a 20 PPc or even BR hunting rifle (would want a magazine) but again not thinking about this anymore apart from "you cant have the barrel"

Although, another member sold me his BAT action when he changed his mind on a rifle as he thought it unfair to make me wait months while he just stored it, hmmm. Well you couldnt have it cheap, if you talk to Shane you can have it for what it would have cost me, its due here next month.

If I keep it I will definetely end up spending more money i havent got.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:03 pm
by Ackley Improved
Its my fault you are spending all that money... here I am thinking I am helping you out but I am putting you into debt.. cool.. glad I could help!


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:45 pm
by ogre6br
Ackley Improved wrote:Its my fault you are spending all that money... here I am thinking I am helping you out but I am putting you into debt.. cool.. glad I could help!

and the more you talk to me about the 6.5x55 AI- the more my wallet is screaming

Whats the neck dia on the reamer?? is it a turned neck size or can I use Lapua brass raw
This will be for a hunting rifle - pushing 120-129 grainers to over 3000 FPS or faster if possible


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:50 pm
by Ackley Improved
0.294 neck.. minimal turn... enough to clean up the necks for a BR rifle... the gear is overkill for a hunting rifle!


Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:08 am
by ogre6br
Ackley Improved wrote:0.294 neck.. minimal turn... enough to clean up the necks for a BR rifle... the gear is overkill for a hunting rifle!

thank you-
you just saved me $$ I dont have to spend

though if george smiles on me this saturday- who gives a shit about overkill


Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:18 am
by Rinso

Now I know what the problem is trevort and ogre6br have fallen into the clutches of an Action whore ...

Mate have some morals and let them get 1 project finished before you stir them up with another.

And AI check your pm's
